University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

RESCUE Metadata

Version 2 2023-07-31, 12:09
Version 1 2023-05-05, 13:53
posted on 2023-07-31, 12:09 authored by J.E. KlopotowskaJ.E. Klopotowska

This record contains meta-data on the RESCUE study, a retrospective observational study on drug-induced acute kidney injury in patients admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). 

RESCUE dataset contains routinely collected data from Electronic Health Records of Intensive Care Units of 15 Dutch hospitals in the period 2010-2019. The data includes the following variables:

  • medication administration orders (with ATC code      and GPK code as identifier)
  • laboratory findings
  • ECG orders
  • renal replacement therapy orders
  • risk scores including RASS and GCS 
  • vital signs including temperature, blood pressure measurements and heart rhythm
  • medication safety alerts including potential drug-drug interactions alerts and duplicate orders alerts based on G-Standaard of Z-Index

This data was enriched by linking it to Minimal Data Set (MDS) of National Intensive Care Evaluation (NICE) data delivered by the participating ICUs as part of national quality of care monitoring. Please find attached our data dictionary and general metrics of the dataset. Information about MDS of NICE can be found here: Data Dictionary ( 

Furthermore, we share the defintions used in our study of acute kidney injury (AKI) risk factors and how these definitions were constructed using our data. 

For inquiries about re-use of RESCUE study dataset for research, please contact project leader from Amsterdam UMC (Dr. Joanna Klopotowska). The re-use of the dataset is possible upon reasonable request and subject to certain limitations.

Conditions include but are not limited to:

  • re-use of data for a scientifically valid and methodologically sound research project with an aim to publish in a peer-review journal,
  • data will only be shared for collaborative efforts, not for use by third parties only,
  • de-identified data may not leave control of Amsterdam UMC; anonymized data may also be used by a third party,
  • contractual obligations regarding the rights of participating ICUs are respected (e.g. agreement to re-use, prior review of protocol and intended publications),
  • legal rights of study participants are respected,
  • re-use is always subject to applicable law, institutional regulations and review by the medical ethics committee, if applicable.

Contact with the project leader can be sought via


ZonMW Rational Pharmacotherapy 8th open call (projectnumber 848018004)


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    Amsterdam University Medical Centers (AUMC)




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