only_income (dummy to indicate whether platform work is a person's only source of income, 1 if hours_platform_prop == 1, 0 otherwise)
hours_platform (number of hours at work/week via YoungOnes platform, 0-168)
hours_platform_prop (How does your YoungOnes income relate to your total income? Nothing/Less than half/Approximately half/More than half/Only income)
trust_others (Most others can be trusted, 5 point scale from 1 = totally disagree to 5 = totally agree, 99 indicating "rather not say") [recoding can be found in "preparation.R"]
trust_govt (The Dutch government can be trusted, 5 point scale from 1 = totally disagree to 5 = totally agree, 99 indicating "rather not say")
trust_platforms (Digital platforms can be trusted, 5 point scale from 1 = totally disagree to 5 = totally agree, 99 indicating "rather not say")
self_report_know (How well are you aware of tax regulations with regard to income earned on gig platforms? 5 point scale from 1 = very uninformed to 5 = very informed)
regulation_easy (dummy to indicate "great, this saves quite some administrative work" was ticked at the regulation_opinion question)
regulation_fair (dummy to indicate "Fair, this way all gig workers are taxed equally" was ticked at the regulation_opinion question)
regulation_more_tax (dummy to indicate "Annoying, now I need to pay more taxes" was ticked at the regulation_opinion question)
regulation_opinion_other (open answer box if regulation_other dummy == 1)
regulation_other (dummy to indicate "Other, namely" was ticked at the regulation_opinion question)
regulation_unnecessary (dummy to indicate "Not necessary, I can handle this myself" was ticked at the regulation_opinion question)