This is an anonymised data set from a game-based learning experiment performed in 2019. In the experiment, the effect of playing a business game called Re-Organise on learning about circular business model innovation was tested. The columns represent the questions in the circular business model canvas by Ellen MacFoundation & IDEO (2016) and the learning categories by Dee Fink (2013). The data set consists of four RDS-datafiles, containing the pre-test (prep) and post-test (iter) results of a game group and a control group of participants. In order to make the data more accessible, these RDS-files are exported to CSV-format as well. This data set belongs to the article: "Re-organise - Re-Organise: game-based learning of circular business model innovation" The data consists of four rds-files, which were used for the article. For the sake of future usability, the rds-files were exported to CSV-format using the R-script, both are added to this repository. References Dee Fink, L., 2013. A Taxonomy of Significant Learning, in: Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses. Ellen MacArthur Foundation; IDEO, 2016. Worksheet Business Model Canvas, in: The Circular Design Guide. Ellen MacArthur Foundation.