1 Hypotheses

Participants (25 children with DLD, 25 TD children) are subjected to either Condition 1 or Condition 2 (between-subjects) of the learning phase, during which they see tokens from the continuum (stimuli 1-11). Participants in Condition 1 are hypothesized to categorize stimuli S and D2 together, while participants in Condition 2 are hypothesized to categorize stimuli S and D1 together. In the test phase (8 test items), participants were asked which stimulus looked more like stimulus S: stimulus D1 or stimulus D2. A significant main effect of Condition would indicate a learning effect: Condition 1 participants are expected to have a larger preference for stimulus D2 than Condition 2 participants. We expect that this effect of Condition will be weaker in children with DLD compared to the TD children (significant interaction between Condition and Group).

#####Image 1: Design learning phase.

2 Load data

CAT_Test <- read.delim("CAT_Test.txt")
##   Subject   Condition Trial Item ACC StimRef StimLeft StimRight Target   RT
## 1     501 Condition 1     2    1   0       S       D2        D1     D2 2287
## 2     501 Condition 1     3    7   0       S       D2        D1     D2 3803
## 3     501 Condition 1     4    5   0       S       D2        D1     D2 2696
## 4     501 Condition 1     6    6   0       S       D1        D2     D2 3585
## 5     501 Condition 1     7    2   0       S       D1        D2     D2 2224
## 6     501 Condition 1     9    8   0       S       D1        D2     D2 3677
##   AnswerStim PositionD2 AnswerStimD1 AnswerStimD2 MeanAccPP Gender Group
## 1         D1       Left            1            0         0      F    TD
## 2         D1       Left            1            0         0      F    TD
## 3         D1       Left            1            0         0      F    TD
## 4         D1      Right            1            0         0      F    TD
## 5         D1      Right            1            0         0      F    TD
## 6         D1      Right            1            0         0      F    TD
##   Age_months Age_ym
## 1        100    8;4
## 2        100    8;4
## 3        100    8;4
## 4        100    8;4
## 5        100    8;4
## 6        100    8;4

2.1 Age check

#Age (months) per group
tapply(CAT_Test$Age_months, list(CAT_Test$Group), mean, na.rm=TRUE)
##   DLD    TD 
## 96.56 97.64
tapply(CAT_Test$Age_months, list(CAT_Test$Group), sd, na.rm=TRUE)
##      DLD       TD 
## 6.491308 4.999538
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  CAT_Test$Age_months by CAT_Test$Group
## t = -1.8641, df = 373.64, p-value = 0.06309
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group DLD and group TD is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -2.21922219  0.05922219
## sample estimates:
## mean in group DLD  mean in group TD 
##             96.56             97.64

There is no significant age difference between groups.

3 Plot

Plot the stimulus choice (D1/D2) per Condition and Group


4 Data analysis

4.1 Set contrasts and center Age

CAT_Test$Condition <- as.factor(CAT_Test$Condition)
contrast <- cbind(c(+0.5, -0.5)) # Condition 1, Condition 2
colnames (contrast) <-  c("-Condition2+Condition1")
contrasts (CAT_Test$Condition) <- contrast
##             -Condition2+Condition1
## Condition 1                    0.5
## Condition 2                   -0.5
CAT_Test$Group <- as.factor(CAT_Test$Group)
contrast <- cbind(c(-0.5, +0.5)) # DLD, TD 
colnames (contrast) <-  c("-DLD+TD")
contrasts (CAT_Test$Group) <- contrast
##     -DLD+TD
## DLD    -0.5
## TD      0.5
#PositionD2: whether token D2 was positioned left or right in the test questions
CAT_Test$PositionD2 <- as.factor(CAT_Test$PositionD2)
contrast <- cbind(c(+0.5, -0.5)) # Left, Right
colnames (contrast) <-  c("+Left-Right")
contrasts (CAT_Test$PositionD2) <- contrast
##       +Left-Right
## Left          0.5
## Right        -0.5
CAT_Test$Age_months <- scale(CAT_Test["Age_months"],center=T,scale=F)

4.2 Generalized mixed effects model

Testing whether odds of choosing for stimulus D2 depend on Condition and Group. Expectation: participants in Condition 1 are more likely to choose stimulus D2 than in Condition 2. A significant positive main effect of Condition on the odds of choosing stimulus D2 would show a learning effect. A significant interaction between Condition and Group would show that this learning effect is different for the two groups. PositionD2 is added as a within-participant variable, reflecting the position of token D2 (left or right) that varied between test items.

fullmodel <- glmer(AnswerStimD2~Condition*Group*Age_months + Condition*PositionD2+(PositionD2|Subject), data=CAT_Test, family = binomial, control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", optCtrl=list(maxfun=2e5)))
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: binomial  ( logit )
## Formula: 
## AnswerStimD2 ~ Condition * Group * Age_months + Condition * PositionD2 +  
##     (PositionD2 | Subject)
##    Data: CAT_Test
## Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+05))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    445.8    497.7   -209.9    419.8      387 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.9002 -0.5204 -0.2933  0.5531  3.0038 
## Random effects:
##  Groups  Name                  Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
##  Subject (Intercept)           1.8189   1.3487        
##          PositionD2+Left-Right 0.4132   0.6428   -0.79
## Number of obs: 400, groups:  Subject, 50
## Fixed effects:
##                                                          Estimate Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                             -1.205520   0.262462
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1                          1.396512   0.506359
## Group-DLD+TD                                             0.576854   0.489379
## Age_months                                              -0.033864   0.042227
## PositionD2+Left-Right                                    0.602817   0.360215
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD             0.006743   0.971575
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months              -0.065209   0.094284
## Group-DLD+TD:Age_months                                  0.007933   0.088645
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:PositionD2+Left-Right   -0.122360   0.627916
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD:Age_months -0.349615   0.209861
##                                                         z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                                              -4.593 4.37e-06 ***
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1                           2.758  0.00582 ** 
## Group-DLD+TD                                              1.179  0.23850    
## Age_months                                               -0.802  0.42259    
## PositionD2+Left-Right                                     1.673  0.09423 .  
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD              0.007  0.99446    
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months               -0.692  0.48917    
## Group-DLD+TD:Age_months                                   0.089  0.92869    
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:PositionD2+Left-Right    -0.195  0.84550    
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD:Age_months  -1.666  0.09573 .  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##                   (Intr) Cn-C2+C1 Gr-DLD+TD Ag_mnt PD2+L- Cn-C2+C1:G-DLD+TD
## Cndtn-C2+C1       -0.180                                                   
## Grop-DLD+TD       -0.051 -0.005                                            
## Age_months        -0.035  0.039   -0.124                                   
## PstnD2+Lf-R       -0.313  0.075    0.141     0.010                         
## Cn-C2+C1:G-DLD+TD -0.014 -0.017   -0.169     0.197 -0.114                  
## Cn-C2+C1:A_       -0.003 -0.014    0.284     0.088  0.250 -0.212           
## G-DLD+TD:A_       -0.145  0.204    0.033     0.223  0.164 -0.027           
## C-C2+C1:PD2        0.078 -0.284   -0.087    -0.019 -0.347  0.083           
## C-C2+C1:G-DLD+TD:  0.120 -0.082    0.165    -0.031  0.338 -0.160           
##                   C-C2+C1:A G-DLD+TD: C-C2+C1:P
## Cndtn-C2+C1                                    
## Grop-DLD+TD                                    
## Age_months                                     
## PstnD2+Lf-R                                    
## Cn-C2+C1:G-DLD+TD                              
## Cn-C2+C1:A_                                    
## G-DLD+TD:A_        0.084                       
## C-C2+C1:PD2       -0.183    -0.117             
## C-C2+C1:G-DLD+TD:  0.426     0.241    -0.252
## [1] FALSE

4.3 Compute CIs

4.3.1 CI for Condition effect

### Compute confidence intervals for the Condition effect
ci <- confint (model1, parm = "Condition-Condition2+Condition1")
lower.bound.logodds.model1 <- ci ["Condition-Condition2+Condition1", 1]
upper.bound.logodds.model1 <- ci ["Condition-Condition2+Condition1", 2]

lower.bound.odds.model1 <- exp(lower.bound.logodds.model1) 
upper.bound.odds.model1 <- exp(upper.bound.logodds.model1)

#Estimate and CI Condition effect:
exp(1.396512) # 4.04108
lower.bound.odds.model1 #1.497903 
upper.bound.odds.model1 #10.90214

4.3.2 CI for Condition * Group interaction

### Compute confidence intervals for the Condition * Group effect
ci <- confint (model1, parm = "Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD")
lower.bound.logodds.model1 <- ci ["Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD", 1]
upper.bound.logodds.model1 <- ci ["Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Group-DLD+TD", 2]

lower.bound.odds.model1 <- exp(lower.bound.logodds.model1) 
upper.bound.odds.model1 <- exp(upper.bound.logodds.model1)

#Estimate and CI Condition * Group effect:
exp(0.006743) # 1.006766
lower.bound.odds.model1 #0.1499417
upper.bound.odds.model1 #6.759812

4.4 Report

Our results show that Condition significantly influences the choice for stimulus D2. Children in Condition 1 were 4.04 (95% CI 1.497 … 10.9) times more likely to choose stimulus D2 than children in Condition 2: z = 2.758, p = 0.006. This effect shows that, as we predicted, children in Condition 1 were more likely to categorize stimulus S and D2 together than children in Condition 2, indicating that Dutch school-aged children can learn novel visual object categories based on distributional properties.

Our second prediction does not hold: although the effect of Condition is 1.007 (95 CI: 0.15 … 6.76) times stronger in the TD group compared to the DLD group, the interaction between Condition and Group is not significant (z = 0.007, p = 0.994). We thus cannot conclude anything about a difference in distributional learning in children with DLD compared to TD children.

4.5 Model with only DLD group

If we run a distinct model with just the children with DLD, the effect of Condition does not reach significance.

modelDLD <- glmer(AnswerStimD2~Condition*Age_months*PositionD2+(1|Subject), data=subset(CAT_Test, Group=="DLD"), family = binomial, control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa", optCtrl=list(maxfun=2e5)))
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: binomial  ( logit )
## Formula: AnswerStimD2 ~ Condition * Age_months * PositionD2 + (1 | Subject)
##    Data: subset(CAT_Test, Group == "DLD")
## Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 2e+05))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    217.3    247.0    -99.6    199.3      191 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.7491 -0.4726 -0.3421  0.5244  2.9231 
## Random effects:
##  Groups  Name        Variance Std.Dev.
##  Subject (Intercept) 2.034    1.426   
## Number of obs: 200, groups:  Subject, 25
## Fixed effects:
##                                                                  Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                      -1.45772
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1                                   1.32286
## Age_months                                                       -0.02640
## PositionD2+Left-Right                                             0.16609
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months                        0.13274
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:PositionD2+Left-Right             0.60988
## Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right                                 -0.06786
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right -0.05087
##                                                                  Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                         0.38414
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1                                     0.73987
## Age_months                                                          0.05711
## PositionD2+Left-Right                                               0.41181
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months                          0.11521
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:PositionD2+Left-Right               0.82346
## Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right                                    0.06338
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right    0.12675
##                                                                  z value
## (Intercept)                                                       -3.795
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1                                    1.788
## Age_months                                                        -0.462
## PositionD2+Left-Right                                              0.403
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months                         1.152
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:PositionD2+Left-Right              0.741
## Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right                                  -1.071
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right  -0.401
##                                                                  Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                                                      0.000148 ***
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1                                  0.073783 .  
## Age_months                                                       0.643910    
## PositionD2+Left-Right                                            0.686709    
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months                       0.249264    
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:PositionD2+Left-Right            0.458919    
## Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right                                 0.284302    
## Condition-Condition2+Condition1:Age_months:PositionD2+Left-Right 0.688154    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##             (Intr) Cn-C2+C1 Ag_mnt PD2+L- Cn-C2+C1:A_ C-C2+C1:P A_:PD2
## Cndtn-C2+C1 -0.114                                                    
## Age_months   0.082 -0.186                                             
## PstnD2+Lf-R -0.005 -0.038    0.051                                    
## Cn-C2+C1:A_ -0.217  0.101    0.209 -0.006                             
## C-C2+C1:PD2 -0.065  0.025   -0.015 -0.177  0.060                      
## Ag_:PD2+L-R  0.078 -0.026    0.001  0.123 -0.064      -0.302          
## C-C2+C1:A_:  0.018  0.037   -0.051 -0.302 -0.012       0.123     0.171
## [1] FALSE

4.6 CIs for Condition effect model DLD

### Compute confidence intervals for the Condition effect
ci <- confint (modelDLD, parm = "Condition-Condition2+Condition1")
lower.bound.logodds.modelDLD <- ci ["Condition-Condition2+Condition1", 1]
upper.bound.logodds.modelDLD <- ci ["Condition-Condition2+Condition1", 2]

lower.bound.odds.modelDLD <- exp(lower.bound.logodds.modelDLD) 
upper.bound.odds.modelDLD <- exp(upper.bound.logodds.modelDLD)

#Estimate and CI Condition effect:
exp(1.32286) # 3.754143
lower.bound.odds.modelDLD #0.8636995
upper.bound.odds.modelDLD #19.42826

4.7 Report DLD

Children with DLD in Condition 1 were 3.8 (95% CI 0.8 … 19.4) times more likely to choose stimulus D2 than children with DLD in Condition 2, but this effect is not significant: z = 1.788, p = 0.074.