In any case of use of this data, a reference to the study is mandatory. Please contact Valentin Melnikov in case you are unsure about the reference. This data results from the study of walking speeds in Singapore in relation to climate. The walker attributes were obtained from inspection of video recordings, which were taken in the area of observational study. The location of a study area: pedestrian path towards Lakeside MRT, Singapore (coordinates: 1.343414,103.720528). Video recordings are not published, but are stored at Complexity Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Please contact Valentin Melnikov regarding the access to video recordings. The data consists of 6 files -- 2 files for each day of observational study: 1. kestrel_weather_ddmmYYYY.csv -- A CSV file containing 6 columns: * datetime -- Date and time in Singapore timezone (UTC+8) starting from 17:10 up to 17:40 (depending on duration of observation). * Temperature -- Air temperature (deg. C) measured by Kestrel 5400. * Wind speed -- Wind speed (m/s) measured by Kestrel 5400. * Globe Temperature -- Black globe temperature (deg. C) measured by Kestrel 5400. * Relative Humidity -- Relative humidity (%) measured by Kestrel 5400. * Tmrt -- Mean radiant temperature (deg. C) calculated according to equation 3 in Thorsson et al. (2007) []. 2. walkers_lakeside_ddmmYYYY.xlsx -- A Microsoft Excel file containing following columns: * Description -- Contains numbers of walkers in published data (in original data was having characteristic description of walker). * Direction -- Direction of movement of walker (R -- to the right, from the Lakeside MRT station / L -- to the left / to the Lakeside MRT station). * Gender -- Apparent gender of a walker (F -- female / M -- male). * Age group -- Apparent age of a walker (0 -- <12 y.o. / 1 -- >12 & <18 y.o. / 2 -- >18 & <45 y.o. / 3 -- >45 y.o.). * Clothing type -- Level of clothing (0 -- both top and bottom are short / 1 -- top or bottom is long / 2 -- both top and bottom are long). * Used phone -- Whether walker was using phone (0 -- No / 1 -- Yes). * Overload -- Whether walker was bearing excessive aload (0 -- No / 1 -- Yes). * In group -- Whether walker is representing group (0 -- No / otherwise -- a number of co-walkers [for 22nd Oct -- only 1 was used just to indicate group, but not its size]). * Time in -- Time label in format [min.sec] corresponding to time on video recording when walker entered the area. * Time out -- Time label in format [min.sec] corresponding to time on video recording when walker exited the area. * Note -- Specific note for a walker. In analysis, walkers with notes were excluded. * Duration -- Calculated traversal time in seconds. * Speed -- Calculated walking speed in m/s (30 meters / Duration).