SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , A: I I would say definitely , A: I mean I mean I mean A: the the idea of having it sort of articulated i th -> A: there would be basically two points of articulation . W um one below and one above the m the uh the main sort of grip . --> B: Do you think there's any way we could maybe remove the articulation ? A: So B: I can see why it looks appealing , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: There's just one overall important aspect is that we must make it fancy and it looks original , D: and I hope we can uh make it look not like the iPod itself . -> D: It must have uh uh uh a very different B: Yeah , idea . B: But you're B: If you look at the way remote controls are now D: Yeah , they're all the same . --> B: And if you make it look like the iPod A: But i it is it is it is already fancy . Because of the lights on the bottom of it . That's already fancy . B: Yeah okay . content,convers-imp,seems to be a rhetorical question "what of it, if it looks like an ipod?" SOURCE: SWBD -> B.24: That throws the budget out of whack real fast. / --> A.25: {D Well, } we actually planned for about one year. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.161: Yeah. / -> B.161: Okay, / -> B.161: I thought it was maybe [ {D like, } + {D you know, } {D like } ] five fifty or something. / --> A.162: {F Oh, } no, / A.162: no, / A.162: no, / A.162: no, / A.162: no / A.162: it's not expensive at all. / A.162: It's one of the Chinese cooking basics. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.85: {D Well, } {F uh, } the, {D you know, } pregnant women aren't supposed to walk along a highway -- --> B.86: No, / B.86: I didn't know that. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: ICSI me018: well | cuz we get into these other topics . me001: yeah . -> mn017: we feel - we feel obligated to collect more data . me011: yeah . me018: yeah . me011: ugh . me018: so if we could alternate the focus of the meeting == --> me011: i don't . me011: let's read digits and go . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Then we have the numbers . We have the power button . We have we have a teletext button . B: The volume , teletext and -> A: And maybe want to access a a menu or something . --> D: Yeah , but that's that's I was thinking that's gotta be on the television . A: Most T_V_s have a menu . B: content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: No no I never touch Macs either . D: -> B: I just use the Unix or the off market , sort of WordPerfect and all these other things . A: Huh . C: Hmm . --> D: Which isn't very user-friendly though . B: Yeah . A: content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Okay , groovy . C: And no doubt we'll get um -> D: Oh no , . D: Sorry C: Sorry . --> D: it's okay . C: We'll get um warnings for next meetings as well . D: Okay , cool . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI mn015: huh . mn015: just for buying a ticket at a ticket counter . mn015: you know - and - and maybe that's helpful to look at it - to look at those . mn015: it's amazing what human beings can do . mn015: w- - when we talked uh - we had the example you know - of you being uh - a s- - a person on a ticket counter working at railway station . mn015: and somebody r- - runs up to you with a suitcase in his hands says new york . mn015: and you say track seven . mn015: huh ? mn015: and it's because you know that that person actually is following you know - you execute a whole plan of going through a hundred and fifty steps you know - without any information other than new york . mn015: huh . mn015: inferring everything from the context . mn015: so works == -> mn015: um - even though there is probably no train from here to new york . mn015: right ? fe004: mmm . --> fe004: not direct . me003: you'd uh - probably have to transfer in chicago . mn015: mm-hmm . other,other,not a rejection (is "refinement" a category?) interesting SOURCE: AMI A: Okay well , A: let's go back to the the agenda . A: So we've now had to the three presentations . A: We know about the new project requirements . A: That means we can uh well d yeah , discuss on the remote control functions . A: Well , if I can uh make a start , A: I think it's becoming more clear what kind of remote control it's gonna be , A: and I already talked about the maybe you have a f familiar with the rem remote control that has the the can opener underneath it . A: I think we're we're looking for some D: -> A: Yeah , we we're looking for a really simple remote control with only basic T_V_ functions . A: Y well , that B: Yeah . --> D: Well , to be honest , if um our uh aim group is uh till forty , not older than forty , maybe that's not very uh yeah , we don't really need to have a simple remote control . A: Yeah . A: Yeah . D: I think we can implement more functions then , D: because um basically uh the younger people are more able to adapt to new technology B: Yeah , but wha D: and therefore will be a more content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: D: Y B: A: Yeah . A: Yeah I know A: I d -> A: it seems like it would suffice to have just the R_R_ on there . C: Mm-hmm . D: Yeah you would think . A: Jus D: But . --> A: But apparently not . D: If it comes from above . B: People aren't gonna want their remote to boot up and to see flashing things come on . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.19: Yeah, / -> A.19: [ I, + I ] don't care for rock, at all. / -> A.19: I guess I'm real old fashioned in my musical tastes. / --> B.20: No, / B.20: I, - / B.20: {D well } most of it is not all that exciting in that it is terribly repetitious. / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah or three . C: Uh -> D: worth the Yeah . A: We have something . --> C: Actually we d we didn't do so well on this one . C: Because it's basically an old one , uh with little curve on the side , and in a different colour . C: Still , it's still hard . D: Yeah . C: I mean the sponge-like and the three D_ shape , that would give it something young and fresh . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.48: If he casually just walked into it and, {F uh, } put down a Stephen King book and I picked up one of them I might be a little more interested. / --> A.49: I don't know, / A.49: I'm not sure I could take too much of Stephen King. / A.49: That's a [ little, + little ] heavy for me. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.73: -- I really don't, / -> A.73: when I think of drug testing, I'm thinking of the, {D you know, } outside of education. / --> B.74: {F Uh, } {D well, } no, / B.74: {D you know, } we are as susceptible a society -- other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI C: Because one C: yeah C: th C: show me that C: uh actually we could in fact we move these three buttons -> C: and have three uh possibilities for each of the three here . Here one , at the middle , and at the bottom . B: Mm . A: Mm . I think then we we're really losing ease of use . C: Okay , . --> D: That will create another problem . For the people to use it . D: It's not going to be easy . Doing that . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.117: {D Well, } they need a schedule I think. / -> A.117: I don't think the United States, - / -> A.117: what country were you, {F uh, } in Europe when you were {F uh, } {F uh? } -/ --> B.118: No, / B.118: I was in the Middle East. / precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: The uh it's made for s people A: well , the they don't -> A: if it was uh uh r useless technology , they wouldn't put it uh as a possibility . --> C: Uh solar cells are useless . A: And i it it th th the the target D: Or the hand dynamo dynamo implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Fruits and vegetables . B: But B: Fruit and vegetable , B: so mushroom was a kind of you know uh -> A: Vegetables . Mushroom is a vegetable . C: Yeah . --> D: I don't think it is . A: It's vegetable . B: Mushroom ? content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: But Yeah . C: You could just not scroll for a half a second . -> A: Yeah . That's right . So if you scroll to a number and then you wait a half second , then it g turns to that channel . C: So you won't need a button . --> D: I think that would be like the end of our usability . A: But it would definitely crop cost , a lot . B: D content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: So , what are we doing with the settings ? A: Because settings A: if we want to do settings we need buttons for that A: and we want less buttons , so . -> A: Maybe with the L_C_D_ we can do something with less buttons , but C: Yeah . --> D: But then you don't want to make the L_C_D_ display too complicated at the same time . A: Mm . B: Two T_V_s . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: How ? A: Uh it's uh depends on the on the maybe -> C: With the lights it it's it's kind of future B: --> A: No , I think I think actually it's a seven maybe , but there's nothing innovative about it . D: Yeah , you think the lights are innovative ? D: Well , it's n true . Uh , I agree , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: I think it was good . B: We knew what we were doing . -> B: It was a very democratic process and everyone got to contribute . --> A: Well I thought my leadership was crap personally . B: Well you told us when to start and when to end , and that's all that matters . D: content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah . B: because uh the for example for Se -> C: Even for each f for even for different family we have to do d yeah we would we have to do adaptation to B: Oh really ? B: That's A: Oh . D: Yeah , D: but then w --> A: Seems to be quite complex . D: Yeah , D: we have to take care of the twelve Euros implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: than than A: Well , A: we are not very w we do not know uh much about the the f the financial part . A: That's the problem . C: Mm-hmm . -> A: Because if we do have enough um space in in our finance , I would say do integrate it , C: Mm-hmm . A: because it it adds a little ext extra high-tech feeling to it . C: Yes . B: But we already have the scroll-wheels , the sp uh the speaker uh the speak recognition , the rubber , the fancy colours . A: Mm yeah . C: Uh I think our customers will go insane . A: Okay , okay . --> C: It's it's too much . A: Yeah . Okay , I I agree . A: I think i content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI me010: no . me010: interestingly enough . -> fe004: we always get these people who are not in the class who == --> me010: some of th- - some of them yeah . fe004: it's interesting . me010: so anyway . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Right . D: Hmm . -> B: There's nothing saying that we have to put the logo on the front of the actual C: --> D: But we want it to be seen . A: On the back ? C: But you don't content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , but a hand dynamo costs a lot of energy to keep the screen working . So I guess that isn't an option . B: The display -> C: Well , you only have to power it up when you wanna use it . D: Yeah . B: The D: Yeah . --> B: But if you have to power the for ten minutes , then the C: I don't know . D: Yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.135: Ann Richards. / --> B.136: No, / B.136: it, - / B.136: we don't get much Texas politics out in California, to be honest. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah h that could that could that could be our star feature . C: Yeah . A: I think that's -> D: That that be really good , yeah , I agree with that . --> C: Yeah , but but I what I'm uh very very much doubtful how how uh far it will work , A: Mm-hmm . C: because a speech recogniser like i it it has its own uh uh problems , issues . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: You don't want to have ever have those problems , and you won't have if if you have the rechargeable . -> A: And you don't have to use the unit , you can also put it on the side if people don't like it . A: Uh , i i in the in the ma D: Why not . --> C: But you pay for it . A: Yeah , but it w I mean , if if they pay for it because they think , oh , that's a great idea , I'm gonna use it . A: And when it , you know , when time goes by and they think , well , I'll never put him in the recharger , I think last long enough , then they put it on side and they can use it now and then . other,other,insuficient context SOURCE: AMI B: if they're buying it that often or they're maybe looking to replace something then , they've got a bit of free cash , B: so that puts them potentially in the younger age bracket . C: Mm-hmm . B: Maybe even single , just for the reasons of um uh excess cash flow . C: Mm . B: Although of course I mean at twenty five Euros , I don't think we're looking at charging the earth for the uh device . C: Yep . Okay . A: Yeah . B: Think that's well within the normal bracket . B: Um your idea of the U_S_B_ would I think would largely depend on the cost . -> B: U_S_B_'s definitely one of the cheapest interfaces out there , B: but it might push the cost of the overall unit up B: 'cause it would require not just the connection but the chip for communicating with the rest of the system . B: That one might have to be based on C: Programmable memory as well . D: The U_S_B_ for which ? C: For the remote control . B: The the idea was that maybe it could connect up for um allowing a software interface on the P_C_ for a larger programming D: Oh right , okay . B: due to the fact that we've gone for such a nice , easy minimal design , normally . C: We've w definitely talking some type of B: Um . D: But didn't they just say it's just for T_V_ , D: or are we gonna B: It's just for T_V_ , B: but for C: Different . B: programming it to use your T_V_ , you might hook it up to the P_C_ . D: Okay , yeah . --> B: I'm not sure , but I'm thinking maybe that the additional cost of the U_S_B_ might be prohibitive . A: Mm . B: We don't know unless it would make sense to . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: So uh B: D: we can A: Speech recognition is quite -> D: We can look at the possibilities for an uh L_C_D_ D: and uh A: Yeah , just look at the possibilities then , D: I dunno . D: Yeah . A: because if A: apparently it's what people want , C: Hmm . D: How much it will cost A: it's supposed to be a luxurious remote , C: Uh . D: and A: maybe it's not even that expensive . A: Or find a compromise , A: maybe just a black and white or for some extra information on it , on your programmes . C: Uh I D: Um B: Well B: I doubt it , B: but C: But I really need finance information . A: Me too . A: I mean we all do . D: It will come uh C: We all do . A: Right . A: I think it's something we should put into consideration . A: Apparently it's what people want , A: so . C: Mm . A: We should see if what it costs , if it's possible . C: Uh . D: Yeah . A: Yeah . Yeah , A: we should do a little thing about design , A: because it looks boring really to me . A: Even if you put it even if you put a different cover on it , it looks still looks boring , D: Different colours maybe . A: so . C: Hmm . C: And the design , it should differ . D: But all C: This is Philips , C: huh ? C: Philips has this . A: I have no clue . B: Well , A: I just drew something what which would fit into your hand easily . B: I had basically C: Okay . C: Hmm . C: Uh . B: Something like this . To make it kind of futuristic . C: Mm . Oh , C: I realise if we make it small , then it needs to be a little thicker , A: I think it's a very C: because I need to put all the electronics in it . A: Sorry ? C: If we make it s uh smaller , uh less wide , then we need to m make it a little thicker , A: Yeah ? C: because I have to put all the electronics in it . A: Okay . Mm-hmm . A: Yeah , A: but you have to j just keep in mind it shouldn't be too heavy . D: Okay . A: I mean we can stick it in in there , I think . C: No . A: Huh B: So B: what kind of A: even if A: in the worst case we can even A: Could you give me the pen back ? B: Yeah , sure . A: So A: let's say that people would want an L_C_D_ thing . A: Let's take take the basic design again , what we oh , crap uh came up with . A: I'll just make it a little bigger now . A: So A: a transmitter here . A: Anyway . A: We could A: let's say we have an L_C_D_ screen , A: people want an L_C_D_ screen . A: So then we should probably put it here . D: A: It doesn't have to be really big , A: but just just have to be has to be there . C: Hmm . A: Think it's a good place , A: people don't D: If you're reading from top to bottom , I think it's better to put it uh at the top . A: No ? A: It's not that uh it's not the most important function , C: Me too . D: It's j A: it's just an extra thing , C: Ah A: it just D: Uh . But i if you if you are going to uh put the L_C_D_ on it , I think it's very important to use it , A: you press the buttons on top , C: but . A: because your finger is on top . D: uh because it's use it uh A: How can you use an L_C_D_ screen ? D: But nee the function of it . D: So you can use it maximum , D: because uh it's a lot it costs a lot . D: So A: Yeah , A: but why A: I I'm not sure . B: Now it's pretty much tucked away in your hand . A: Uh if you t if you press a button , you can see it , C: Hmm . No . A: ri A: I'm not sure wha A: I'm trying to imagine myself what it would look like . C: M C: I personally would prefer it on the top . B: I'm A: You would prefer it D: Yeah . A: n A: Okay . C: Huh . A: So we have three people saying it should be on top . A: Okay , C: But it A: but then you would would s have to stack away your buttons somewhere else . C: Hmm . A: Anyways . D: It's expensive to build it , D: so C: Mm . A: Uh this looks a little D: you must use the maximum of it . --> B: I'm still not convinced of the A: About the L_C_D_s thing . B: Yeah . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: It's nice , I think . D: Okay , our secondary audience , uh people above forty a forty years in age , they like the dark traditional colours . D: Uh -> D: Yeah , uh materials like wood that --> A: Yeah , but wood is not a not a material you which you build a a remote control of . C: Well , you could . You you could . D: No n j just j just a w content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: So you you count one degree , two degrees , no . C: Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it . -> D: I don't think so . B: Yeah , it's a bit difficult . --> C: I think so I think so you can do it . C: I think so , you can just change . content,disbelief, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.18: {F Uh, } true. / -> B.18: {C But, } {F uh, } {F uh, } without it, people wouldn't be able to own automobiles / -> B.18: {C or } they wouldn't be able to own a house. / --> A.19: Yes, / A.19: they would. / A.19: They just wouldn't be able to own the kind of automobiles that they think they deserve to own. Or the kind of homes that we think we deserve to own. / A.19: We might have to, {D you know, } just be able to, - / A.19: I think, if [ we, + ] a generation went without debt, then the next generation, - / A.19: {D like, } [ if, + if ] [ our, + our ] generation, - / A.19: my husband and I, we're twenty-eight, [ if we lived our lives and didn't become, {D you know, } indebted, like {D you know, } our generation before us, [ that, + ] {F um, } the budget would balance. And that we became accustomed to living with what we could afford, which we wouldn't be destitute, / A.19: {E I mean, } we wouldn't be living on the street, by any means. / A.19: {C But } just compared to how spoiled we are, we would be in our own minds, / A.19: {C but } I feel like the generation after us would, - / A.19: {F oh, } {D man, } it would be so good. / A.19: It would be so much better. / A.19: It wouldn't be perfect, / A.19: {C but } then, they could learn to live with what they could afford to save to buy. / A.19: {C And } if you want a nicer car than that, {D well, } you save a little longer. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: But that C: Well , I'm not sure because um for that to happen , you d you will have to receive a signal from the uh remote control , so it would , yeah , have to be constant uh constant signalling . D: Yeah . B: Mm-hmm . C: What m what may be better is to incorporate an uh a separate device that uh that you can program with the remote control . C: And that uh provides parental control , for instance . C: And that's just an optional uh device . C: So there's n that's there's -> C: uh besides uh the remote control , you'll have a separate uh --> A: I wouldn't put it in an optional device . A: That that then then then it becomes too much , I think . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.44: {D Well, } sounds like our husbands have similar interests. / --> A.45: {D Now, } mine does not work on cars, / A.45: he just piddles on this and that. / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Look-and-feel ? D: Evaluation crit -> C: No , evaluation is --> D: Yeah , evaluation presentation . D: It's not in . D: Uh d it doesn't matter um D: It only had two pages or something . D: Um well I looked in the reports um from the marketing strategy , D: or uh of uh the the the the the the new needs and uh the market . D: The Italians uh , how they think about it . D: And D: The research uh about uh the the comp uh the the the users and that kind of stuff . D: I made some criteria , D: and we have to test the criteria from one to zero . D: We sh we we we can give it uh a number , and then we can give ourself an average for our A: Okay . D: um model . D: And this A: Okay . D: These are all I I I found , or I wrote down . D: And um we have to discuss about , if we give it a one or a seven . D: Uh content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.53: -- the scallops. / -> B.53: [ {C An, } + {C and } ] it sounds sort of funny / -> B.53: {C but } it tastes really good. / --> A.54: No, / A.54: no, / A.54: I'm from New England, / A.54: {C so } [ we, + we ] had, {F um, } a lot of seafood before we moved down here. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah D: b D: Yeah , -> D: but we're gonna make it yellow uh red , D: and then you add you have two special colours on top of the one we have now . --> C: Nee C: we we also want to make ano another colour . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: True , -> A: but we did we didn't get that . A: So I think it's --> C: You don't know that . A: it should either be a pack , maybe we sh that should be sold in in the s in stores with with a standard cover or something . B: Well precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: C: Sorry . -> A: Havin having a water-proof remote control so that the people can uh use it in their bath . --> B: Mm . A: That could be uh B: B it seems uh so , B: but uh if you don't have an waterproof remote control it means you can just cover it with some plastic and you can sort of f content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: That m f D: Yeah , for the retrieval function . -> A: Yeah , but I don't I don't know if it's very inno yeah . --> D: Yeah . I think that's very innovative for a remote control . C: Yes , A: Yeah , v content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.37: Uh-huh, / -> A.37: go ahead. / --> B.38: No, / B.38: go on. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: I g -> D: If it's weighted maybe . C: A: B: H it's got higher centre of gravity like that . --> A: 'Kay we're done designing . D: Details , details . D: Okay . So , is this a good-looking remote ? other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI D: I won't draw it really . -> D: If you got a base which is uh as big as this --> C: But it's flat it's flat as as this , C: so we can p make all the products as flat as this . other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI C: I don't think so . -> C: No , this is a standard colour . D: No . --> A: Yeah , but we want to make uh the wood colours , uh that uh B: Yeah . D: S content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI me018: digits on another language . mn007: no . -> me013: see i thought you showed me something like that last week . me013: you had a - you had a little == --> mn007: uh - | no i don't think so . me013: um - | what ?== me034: these numbers are uh - ratio to baseline ? content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: Call C: Yeah , but uh we have to make a speaker then too . If you want to make it beep . -> A: Yeah , maybe we have to skip that one . B: Okay . D: That's Yeah , but it B: No no , I want that in . C: But we can we can do it uh underneath the logo . --> D: No , we need that . That's usable . That's really usable . C: If you do uh A: Okay . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: N -> C: uh if if we want to make it special , we probably have to do a lot of testing , if it really works . --> D: Nah . B: Well B: you can um have uh the basic things on the same place , like on off button on top and the T_V_ channels one two three four as a block , and then the volume uh obviously on t on top , so you can see . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Uh yeah it's I think it's grey , regular . D: S yeah . Alright . -> A: Grey and rubber . --> C: But we definitely want the thing to be a special colour though . A: Of plastic . B: Yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI me003: that's probably a good enough test of == fe004: uh-huh . -> me012: sort of having an actively antagonistic uh == mn015: yeah . fe004: yeah . --> fe004: that might be a little unfair . fe004: um == content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Because we have a problem . C: Uh D: Oh . D: A: If you look closely , you can see . B: Yeah . C: It wants A: Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions . A: . A: . A: At the moment we have fifteen buttons , one L_C_D_ screen , one advanced chip-on-print . A: We use a uh sensor , that's for the speech . A: Uh we use kinetic energy . A: And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour . A: Okay . What's the first thing we should drop ? -> A: The special colour of the buttons ? --> B: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look . So A: Okay . C: Yeah but everything is . implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: but uh there's a chance it's not , A: so . -> B: Or we could use a double-sided for less used functions B: you A: A double-sided remote control ? B: Yeah , --> A: I don't think that's useful . B: with the cover . B: I content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah , it's not distance problem it it's recognising a person's voice , B: Mm-hmm . -> C: like maybe different people will be having different voices , C: so it like it's uh everything so i D: Uh . --> A: Well , you you teach You have to teach uh C: So to get a good recogni recognising system , it's a costly thing , I think . D: content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: I don't know if it's worth uh the time and effort we are going to spend on it . C: Because well it's a simple function , but it's gonna take a lot of resources and a lot of time um to programming it . C: Because you'll have to start working with the profiles and such . D: Mm-hmm . -> C: And I'm not sure if it's actually worth uh investing that much time and effort into it . C: I don't know what --> A: Well I think that's a b there's a big market for it , C: A: because uh you Yeah , you read many times in magazines same kind of stuff , and you heard on the news that uh that he Yeah , they believe that children uh are influenced by the television , D: Mm yeah . D: V violent T_V_ . A: and uh A: Well , we're we're aiming uh to uh below uh forty uh years . A: But there are a lot of uh people will below forty who have uh children in young age uh who who want um to uh not watch uh violent or uh implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Ah , a big jump . D: Yeah then yeah that's right . -> B: A mouse or --> C: Well , not a mouse C: but uh something that that says more clearly that uh right , left , up , down , B: Yeah . D: Mm hmm hmm . Okay . C: well , the to have the ability to to to write something to the navigator , maybe directly , or A: Mm . D: Okay . C: So , B: Mm . C: we can think of buttons like in the telephone to send messages or things like that . B: Mm-hmm . C: But we'll see . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: So D: The L_C_D_ basically is the big selling point of -> B: If we remove the L_C_ display , we could save ourselves D: the remote . B: a fair amount . B: Which you could --> D: But that's what makes it uh original though , D: isn't it ? implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.39: # Yeah. / -> A.39: By the way when you # say most people think it is, / -> A.39: I think it's like ninety-nine point ninety-nine think it is, # percent. # / --> B.40: # I don't # think it's that high. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , A: well uh when we lose one scroll-wheel , it's okay . A: 'Cause we can't lose the battery . A: We can't lose the advanced chip . A: We can't lose the double curve . -> A: We have rubber , special colour . D: . D: We would have uh n --> C: A special colour . C: Uh , I don't think it's a very special colour . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: I mean -> D: Yeah , but it should be li like this big , and I don't think A: Yeah , but it's so --> C: No , no , only the T_V_ channel with the with uh with uh four programmes . A: I don't think we should do it . C: You can uh zap through them with the page up page down button . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: I just don't know about that , because in order to do that in order to price it at that kind of level I think we'd need to have every functionality that all the other competitors are offering B: like being able to operate , you know , the D_V_D_ player and , you know , the stereo system and all that . B: Which is a pretty basic function that w we've opted out of . -> B: And additionally we're m maybe not supporting teletext um --> A: Nah , A: I think we can say with certainty now that we are supporting teletext . content,contradiction,interesting SOURCE: AMI B: but it's it's not C: Yeah . Exactly . -> B: it's not very uh very strong uh yeah if you drop it one time . D: True . It uh c it can go open . --> C: Well yeah the the idea of it was , is that because you close it , you cover the L_C_D_ screen and it won't be vulnerable to scratches or whatever . A: If you cover it with rubber . D: An adv an adv and it will be covered in some kind of uh thin rubber layer or something like that . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: So A: let's say that people would want an L_C_D_ thing . A: Let's take take the basic design again , what we oh , crap uh came up with . A: I'll just make it a little bigger now . A: So A: a transmitter here . A: Anyway . A: We could A: let's say we have an L_C_D_ screen , A: people want an L_C_D_ screen . A: So then we should probably put it here . D: A: It doesn't have to be really big , -> A: but just just have to be has to be there . C: Hmm . A: Think it's a good place , A: people don't --> D: If you're reading from top to bottom , I think it's better to put it uh at the top . A: No ? A: It's not that uh it's not the most important function , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: let's see . A: For example just -> C: If we have a a space issue , we can also lose one battery . C: It is rechargeable , C: so we can stick with one instead of two . A: Yeah . D: . C: That might be an option . --> A: I don't think if we if we even use an L_C_D_ screen , we need to , definitely . C: Yeah , C: but if we need two batteries and an L_C_D_ screen , that means a lot of space that we need . other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , it's still A: Yeah , I say two . -> C: We still have the fruit and vegetable print . D: I say two then . B: Yeah . D: Yeah but that that's not that's not this question . Uh thi uh that's the other question . --> A: Oh , that's the next . C: Fr Oh I mean the Oh never mind . C: I'm a bit lost . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Device devi C: Yeah . -> D: Yeah , but just don't trust too much the trends . C: Yeah . B: The fruit ? Yeah . D: 'Cause fruit and vegetables it won't last for ten years uh . A: Maybe A: Yeah , maybe la next year it will be insects . B: Yeah , it's D: Maybe two years it's dead . C: D: Yeah . --> B: But I think it's good to follow the f flow and you know make it now and after , you know , if the people change their mind you change also the product . D: Yeah . C: Mm . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: What ? B: Okay , I'm going to guess what you're drawing . -> D: Okay , blank . --> B: No no , the new one . D: Oh . B: Uh they just don't save it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: What do you think about uh putting a battery in it , but also selling like uh the covers , a docking station A: Yeah . D: just apart from the from the thing , so that you can uh put uh A: Mm-hmm . -> D: rechargeable batteries in it and just A: Okay . --> B: But you can use rechargeable batteries anyway , just you s you have to recharge them manual . A: Yeah , and not really . D: Yeah , yeah , okay . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.170: # {D you # know, } twenty per cent. / -> B.170: {C And } of course, {D you know, } the company's not going to reduce the employee's cost of insurance twenty per cent, they're going to reduce their own. / --> A.171: No, / A.171: no. / A.171: {C But } it'll save in some areas, / A.171: yeah, / A.171: right. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: As we want to maximise the benefit . B: And easy to use . -> D: And you have to keep it under twelve Euros and f fifty , so . C: A: Yeah , B: Ah , yeah . A: you have to keep in mind that the product cost won't be maxim more than twelve dot fifty Euros . --> D: That's the problem . C: It should be B: Okay . other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI C: Hey C: that's a cool one . -> C: We could say that if you throw it , you have a sensor , and you throw it and hits the television and turns it off . A: D: C: When it d uh takes a shock . --> D: Not good . A: Yeah A: uh sorry ? content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay . Okay . Okay , B: Okay . -> A: and then we are uh through the tool training , I guess . C: --> D: I wouldn't call it training , but A: Okay , this is uh something about the project finance . A: The selling price of our remote control is gonna be twenty five Euros . content,contradiction,strange SOURCE: AMI B: I'll go . B: I drew a kitty . -> B: It's pretty much impossible to tell that's a cat , B: but I love cats . D: No I I see it . --> C: No , I kne I knew . A: No , it looks like a cat . D: Yeah , it does look like a cat . other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: SWBD -> B.16: -- that deliver babies. / -> B.16: {D Now } they can't doing anything about that. / -> B.16: I don't think they're in a conspiracy. / -> B.16: I think it's our fault, because we as people just sue them. / --> A.17: No, / A.17: people don't sue -- / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , but we uh A: you mean the rubber stuff ? -> D: Yeah , and the light . A: Yeah , but we have t we have to talk about the lights uh . B: And the light maybe . C: But that that's not innovative . B: But --> A: And I don't u also it's also really not innovative , D: Well , I g C: Lights lights are A: it's more content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: How to guarantee such performances is really hard . B: -> D: the expert uh said ninety five percent . C: --> B: Ninety five percent is not good enough though . A: Well this is still is is very bad . B: other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: SWBD -> B.12: -- Master Charge. / --> A.13: I don't have a Master Charge, / A.13: thank you . / other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI C: Functional ability . A: Yeah . -> B: function f yeah , functionality and our fancy uh look , so . --> D: Yeah , but the most uh easy to use is just with one button B: But B: It is r it is rather easy to use , because you have the primary buttons always visible . other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI A: and this , you keep this empty . A: Because you have to hold it as well . -> C: Or you could do the switch channel up button above the the numbers and switch channel down button below . --> A: But that's not A: want to zap very quick , A: so content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Um yeah we're getting a lot of features now , A: I I think -> C: Well I mean I think I think the sort of find the finder things I mean it's uh I could probably write the circuit diagram for that myself . A: Yeah . C: Um --> A: Well , I think a consideration too is that these uh remotes get abused a lot , A: you know they get thrown around , D: Mm . A: there's a good chance the the T_F_T_ screen would break or uh get damaged . C: Mm-hmm . A: They're pretty fragile . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.13: {F Uh, } [ you just, + you ] would be able to buy it, / -> A.13: {C but } they'd just have to mail it to you, I suppose, {F huh. } / --> B.14: {D Well, } I don't think you can mail [ thing, + guns ] through the mail. / B.14: I don't know. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.3: Forty-eight. / -> A.3: That's a long time. {F Uh. } / --> B.4: {D Well, } no, / B.4: it wasn't forty-eight, / B.4: [ [ it was, + it was, ] {F uh, } + let's see, {D yeah, } it was ] forty-eight. / B.4: I was in the Air Force. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: You know , I've seen some remotes that where you just hold one , A: like if you hold one down it's it's a different colour than the other buttons but that turns it on . -> A: So you don't actually have a separate power button , it's just D: Oh okay , yeah . --> C: It seems like that would be hard though . A: But C: I mean , like because unless you know content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: This time it's the three I killed . -> D: I was just wondering if it should be like flatter . D: Or B: I suppose I've got quite big hands . --> A: I like the appeal of it being like a big glob in your hand . D: Well C: Yeah . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , maybe it can work with show view . A: Uh , you you can control your video recorder with show view . B: B: A: Uh , when you tick in a number , it will uh start and end uh recording . -> A: But maybe there's some option that uh that t uh the kind of show view numbers are violent , and that they are blocked out . --> B: Yeah , the disadvantage vantage is that someone will has to send all the show-view numbers of the programs that they remotes and edit it all , A: Yeah . That's true . A: Yeah . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Uh so B: the concept of the interface . B: Generally I developed quite a broad concept not only for the interface , but for possible instruction or user's manual and uh all the complex things that come together with your T_V_ and remote controls . B: So let's start with this . B: We got our perfect remote control with a lot of buttons D: C: B: and uh we got explanation for every button B: and you can use your time and uh it will take i some days to learn all this buttons B: and um the L_C_D_ is going to be somewhere here B: and uh go back button , I don't know really where it is , maybe one of this buttons , B: and um power on and off mm I I don't remember D: A: Mm . C: B: so uh B: it it it should be B: maybe this button is power on and off ? B: Or no ? B: I can see nothing . B: So B: that's our concept . -> B: It's called the millennium remote control . A: --> D: Let's change millenniums . C: So B: Yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: I think , it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a like a locator device , -> B: maybe a simple button that you have on your television to help you find your remote . D: True . --> A: Mm . But if we're bundling it unless we're selling their telly with the remote . D: Right . B: Mm . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.12: {D Well, } I don't know if a five day waiting period would be legitimate. / -> B.12: {F Uh, } [ that, + {F uh, } that ] might cool down some tempers. / -> B.12: I think [ a, + a ] one day would be sufficient. / -> B.12: The reason I say that is there is an awful lot of people who go to gun shows / -> B.12: {C and } if you see an awful lot of exhibits and things and if you would like to purchase a gun, if that five day waiting period were in effect, you wouldn't be able to purchase one at that gun show. / --> A.13: {F Uh, } [ you just, + you ] would be able to buy it, / A.13: {C but } they'd just have to mail it to you, I suppose, {F huh. } / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.13: {C But } to give you an example, {F uh, } {D you know, } one of her kids will come in and [ he's, + you could tell he was ] just bombed out on drugs, / -> A.13: {C and, } {F uh, } she sends him to the principal's office, / -> A.13: {C and } the principal sends him right back, or her right back, and says, {D Hey, } your problem, you take care of it. / -> A.13: You're not allowed to send them home. / -> A.13: {D You know, } if you do that, then your allocation's cut from the state or the feds or whatever, / -> A.13: [ your, + your, ] - / -> A.13: you have to have a certain amount of kids in your class every day, / -> A.13: {C and, } [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] a numbers game. / -> A.13: I don't think that's right, [ if they're, + especially if they're ] interrupting the class and preventing other kids from learning. / --> B.14: {D Well, } I think it's more of a, - / B.14: there's a bigger problem here than, {F uh, } than discipline in the schools. / B.14: I think it gets back to the, {F uh, } parental participation into the program. / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: hat ha B: rat . -> D: A rat ? B: Yeah . --> D: That's difficult . C: Yes C: you have to draw a rat if you want a rat . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , D: and maybe two or three other options , but not nothing more than that . -> D: I think stop function is very useful . D: If you have a uh a page which consists of more pages , and you are not a very quick reader , A: Oh , okay . D: then I think it's very irritating if the next page shows up , but --> A: Yeah , but uh I think that becomes too difficult , A: it's not a very common function and people will have to read up on their remote then . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.56: #And just# have like t-, at the most, like ten kids. / -> B.56: And all from maybe people that you #know# -- --> A.57: #No.# / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Because remote is going to have both the interfaces , scroll as well as buttons . B: Okay . C: They are not going to cost you much , C: everything is in-house -> C: and now you don't want the traditional users to be apprehensive of this . --> B: Well , I dunno if the traditional user is gonna buy a a banana remote C: Oh , yeah . B: in the first place , you know . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , -> B: but it doesn't have to be red . C: B: It's just to indicate something's on . D: Yeah . C: Yeah . C: That it's working . C: That it's not not the batteries are low . B: Yeah . A: But it's cool if it was green . --> B: It's it's not very important , A: Green or red or whatever , it is cool . B: so yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.59: All right, / -> A.59: that's a hobby in itself. / --> B.60: Not (( quite )) . / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: No it's in inside the A: Yeah , and don't know how it's or eject it . -> D: No it's on the on the beamer I guess . B: No it Oh . --> C: No , but it i It's not a bu a beamer . A: From up there ? A: No . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.57: Joe Pros? / --> B.58: {F Uh, } they're not Joe Pros / B.58: {C but } [ they, + they ] golf in the high sixties low seventies / B.58: {C so } I guess they're pretty good . / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Uh , now , C: we had as listed options we had A: C: speech recognition potentially , C: flat screen interface , L_C_D_ interface um C: we also want to limit the number of buttons D: Mm-hmm . C: so we'll pretty much take that one as read . -> C: We'll use the the basic functions for a television . D: Mm-hmm . C: No teletext . C: Um C: okay hold on . --> D: Although the the danger with that is , it could look a bit cheap . C: Not enough buttons you mean ? D: Yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: But you're already watching the T_V_ , you're not gonna watch your remote control . B: Yeah . -> C: Yes , but you also want to know what's next . --> D: But then we also uh w need to bring out a line of T_V_s D: which we were planning to , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Do y you A: the remote control gives that same signal as it would give when you only had -> D: No , s some some televisions need the input first uh and and you c C: No , C: a remote can A: Yeah . C: Yes , C: so they need no , they need --> A: But you give the input . A: You push the one . A: That's the same thing as the button with the one and it content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: It's uh the most basic buttons that a user wants uh to use . A: Mm-hmm . D: Uh less important is tel teletext , A: Mm-hmm . D: uh um they use it , D: but it's not uh very uh important D: uh on the scale of zero to ten they six and a half uh A: Okay , that's okay . B: D: and -> D: but not important is the channel selection , D: the the D: hmm ? --> A: That's a little weird . D: Oh , B: Which channel selection ? content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: we kinda at least adjusted every every criteria they gave us D: because we d we still have the the teletext capability in this thing right , A: Mm . C: No . B: Mm-hmm . D: we raised the price of it , we've added two t new technology to it . C: Yeah . -> D: So you know you know if this thing flies then we've we've adjusted or broken every every idea they gave us . --> A: Not every idea necessarily , C: Basically . A: it's still a remote control . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Because it's not a very current useful function . D: Uh , well I think when they say power button they mean to turn the T_V_ on and off . -> A: No , I think it's after after five minutes or something a timer B: Yes . B: Well I I uh A: I I think , no ? --> D: But if you're watching T_V_ for two hours , you don't want your T_V_ to turn off after five five minute B: B: content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: yeah . C: yeah . -> D: And a light bulb ? D: No . D: To flash . D: No . A: B: Um --> D: Nah , D: you'd see it anyway , if you hear it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.77: You mean she didn't appreciate all that attention./ --> B.78: She really did, / B.78: she just, {F uh, } - / B.78: [ [ she, + she ] was alm-, + she was ] just inundated [ with, + with ] all the attention. / B.78: {F Uh, } [ [ she, + she ] kind of, + she kind of ] sat and (( )) it all in for a little while - / B.78: {C and then } she'd go get back in and try to play [ and, + and ] what not, / B.78: {C but, } {F uh, } [ it was, + it was ] just [ such a, + such a ] new experience for her. / B.78: She's only been around one [ and, + and ] sometimes two people at the most / B.78: {C so, } {F uh. } -/ content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , it it can be uh very expensive . A: D: 'Kay , second . -> D: Uh , building games like Snake or Tetris to amuse the younger users . A: C: D: Uh , also the link with uh mobile phones . Uh --> A: Yeah , but you don't use that th games when you watching television , I think . D: No , but C: Well , yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.35: -- {F uh, } I don't, {F uh, } like to see that. / -> A.35: I guess also the fact that they say it's not a deterrent, - / -> A.35: it is a deterrent [ in the, + in the ] sense that that person will never do it again . / --> B.36: {D Well, } yes, / B.36: they will. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , B: th that's the only problem . B: I d B: They don't say how much it will cost , B: so Um but uh D: -> B: if we implement uh speech recognition , I think it would be better to implement L_C_D_ as well . D: Oh . D: It's mass production . D: So you can say , you can B: Since you have to uh configure speech thing . --> A: But that's definitely more expensive A: than content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Mm . Thanks . B: Okay . -> A: The wheel doesn't work . --> B: Great . C: A: B: Okay so um while uh researching this this topic I first of all just thought of a couple of things that I would like to see in a remote , B: and just uh looked to see if they're actually available in any current remotes , B: and then also searched for which are the top-rated uh remote controls on Epinions dot com , which is a a you know a a customer um written basically review site . B: So um there's a pretty wide range of uh remote controls these days B: and and uh this remote control on the right here is is one of the more extravagant , B: but it's not really B: it's by no means uh mm you know on it's own in being so expensive . B: There are a lot of expensive remote controls out there . other,other,not a rejection proper SOURCE: AMI D: Well a lot a lot of T_V_s indeed show uh when you uh zap to a C: But -> A: But you're already watching the T_V_ , you're not gonna watch your remote control . B: Yeah . --> C: Yes , but you also want to know what's next . D: But then we also uh w need to bring out a line of T_V_s D: which we were planning to , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Uh it's it's A: Yeah , but uh uh -> A: my opinion I think it's better under the flip A: because whenever you want to uh the talk , okay , so then you can speak then you can close it . A: But if you put it on the on the flip , okay , then uh technical I don't think it's uh feasible , A: 'cause most of the time you speak then it will be recognised . --> C: But if you've already got the remote control in your hand you need to open the flip to use the voice , why use the voice , why not just use your hand ? C: I mean the whole point of the voice is that if the remote control is sitting there and I'm too lazy to reach over and pick it up , I can just use my voice . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: That spins around like all the time . A: Mm yep , -> C: Yeah , that spins around or something . A: yeah . --> B: Very annoying . A: Also also . C: Hmm . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: A: B: Um 'kay um yeah . B: uh some uh research uh a about um designing of an interface . B: Um the uh last meeting uh we had a about um uh using a f few buttons . B: So uh um uh B: that's w what I what I want to uh uh to do in uh our design . B: So um B: finding an attractive uh way to control uh the remote control . Um the uh I found some uh something about uh speech uh recognition . B: So B: maybe uh we can uh use uh that . Um B: Uh and uh using a little uh display . B: So um B: findings . B: Um yeah B: just um we have just to focus on the primary um functions . B: So uh B: only uh buttons uh for uh sound , um for uh on-off , um uh shifting u up uh sa uh ca channel or uh down shifting down . B: Um uh let's see . Um yeah and Uh B: we uh need some uh new a attractive functions B: uh uh which attract uh uh people for using it . B: So uh -> B: it's uh like a speak uh speech uh recognition and um a special button for selecting uh subtitles . B: Just uh what we uh mentioned uh last uh meeting . B: Um and yeah B: overall um user-friendly . B: So uh B: using uh large large buttons . Um B: It's uh possible to uh uh to make um quite cheap uh system for uh speech uh recognition . B: Um you can think about um uh when you lost your um remote control , you can uh call it and um it gives an um sig signal . B: So uh uh yeah . B: And and uh for uh shifting up a sen uh c ch channel or uh for um uh putting out uh sound or something , you can uh just give a sign uh say um sound off B: or A and B: uh yeah . B: Television uh put the sound off uh put the sound off uh . Um B: Let's see . Uh yeah . B: I was thinking about the special uh button for uh subtitles , B: um just one button to keep it uh simple . B: Uh one push on the button uh you get uh uh small uh subtitles . B: Um double push push um , if double click , um so uh you get uh big uh subtitles , for uh people uh um uh which c f uh who can't uh read small uh subtitles . B: So uh Um Yeah B: and w we have to keep uh in general buttons B: uh so um B: we've got um the buttons we have to use . The on-off , sound on-off , sound higher or lower , um the numbers , uh zero to uh uh nine . Um the general buttons m more general b one button for shifting up and shifting down uh channel . B: Um also we want to uh use a little d display uh for um for displaying the uh the functions of the buttons . B: And um we can uh build in a function f which uh shows the channel or some uh which the t television is on . B: So um B: made a little uh picture of uh it . B: Um See . Um yeah . B: Just um we can put uh the on-off button uh over in this uh corner , B: um almost uh e all uh remote controls uh are using a on-off button on that place . B: Um so uh people uh will uh recognise uh um the button . C: B: So um B: D display uh of it , it's uh just a small display . B: Uh um you can put it uh on top . B: Um it's uh most uh uh place where people uh , most of looks at . B: So uh um B: and a special uh button for shifting up uh and uh shifting down uh channel , um it's uh on place where um the thumb of of the B: So you you can uh easily uh shift up or shift down . B: Um it's uh quite uh handy place . B: So um and uh B: all the f functions for subtitle uh one button , uh for sound uh B: Uh and uh for our design , um uh we have to discuss about it uh I think uh so uh the form of it B: so A: Okay . B: And that's it . A: Uh thank you . C: Okay . C: About the components design . C: Um for the energy source we can use a basic battery C: or , a as an optional thing , a kinetic energy , like in a watch , C: which you just shake and it produces energy . C: But if we choose for that option , the docking station would c become obsolete . C: So I don't think it's really an option . C: Uh for the casing , uh the uh manufacturing department can deliver uh a flat casing , single or double curved casing . C: It's really up the the design that we're gonna use . C: It's uh doesn't uh imply any technical restrictions . C: Uh as a case supplement , we could um , I thought of that l later , uh a rubber uh belt , like a anti-slip . C: Uh for the b buttons , we can use plastic or rubber . C: And the chip-set , um it says simple here , C: but it should be advanced , C: because we're using an L_C_D_ uh screen . C: And as uh the trend-watcher presentation showed , um people like wood , C: but it raises the price C: and it doesn't really fit the image , unless we would start two product lines . C: Form should follow function overall . C: Um well the kinetic energy source is rather fancy . C: But depends on what we want . C: I think we should disc discuss that . C: Um for the case , uh the supplement and the buttons , it really depends on the designer . C: And the chip-set uh really should be advanced C: because otherwise uh it would really be a simple uh remote control . C: And that's it . A: Okay . A: Thank you . A: So A: that brings us to the discussion about our concepts . A: Mm . D: A: 'Kay . So A: these are the points we have to discuss . A: Um first I think we can talk about the energy source , A: since that's um has a pretty big influence on production price , uh and image . B: A: Uh so A: uh f I think first of all we have to see uh it is possible to introduce kinetic energy in our budget , I think . C: Yes C: w C: there there are four options . C: We could use the basic normal battery . A: Yeah . C: Uh a hand dynamo . C: But I don't think that's really an option . A: Okay . B: D: C: You don't wanna swing before you can watch television . A: A: Yeah . C: Uh solar cells . C: But not every room is very light B: Mm . C: so it's not a very good option . A: No . C: Or the kinetic energy . A: Yeah . Okay . D: And how exactly does the kinetic energy work ? C: Well D: You just C: y you basically shake your remote , and then it powers up . D: You use it and it works . B: C: Yeah . A: Yeah . D: Okay . B: Nah . D: Well D: personally I don't think that older people like to shake their remote control before they use it . B: C: Yeah . That's true . D: And besides that you mentioned it would make the docking station obsolete . C: Oh . D: And I think our docking station could be one of the marketing issues with which we can um D: get great popularity for our product . A: Yeah . B: But D: Um wel B: what's the function ? B: Yeah f for loading up uh the batteries B: . D: Yeah D: you could load up the batteries , B: B b D: you could um insert the find the lost remote control function in there . B: Okay B: but uh it won't use uh much e energy uh I I believe . B: Uh it's uh just a small display B: so I believe uh it will run on one battery for um six months or f or or more . B: So I believe one battery uh is just enough . A: Uh B: Uh so A: Uh well A: I think uh elderly people just like to have everything in place . D: That's true . A: And I don't think they they like uh remotes just laying everywhere in their rooms . B: Okay . A: So maybe a docking station will help them give the remote a place . B: Yeah . That's true . Yeah . A: And also what you said . Um you can introduce voice recognition by uh finding back your remote . B: Mm-hmm . B: Yeah . A: But I think it's um more efficient and cheaper to put it in the docking station . A: So you have a but button on your docking station which you can push , and then it starts beeping . B: Okay . A: And then we can we can still use the voice recognition , but maybe then for only the the channels . B: Yeah . B: Uh . A: That's safe . D: I'm wondering um what will the voice recognition mean for the production price ? A: Yeah . That's a good point . C: Mm I don't have any information on pricing . C: So I'll have to ask the manufacturing department . B: Mm . D: 'Cause in our earlier um market research , D: if you'd allow me to go to the flat board , SMARTboard . A: Yeah , sure . Go ahead . D: Um so D: it was open here . D: Um we also um asked if w they would , if people would pay more for speech recognition in a remote control . D: Well D: you can see here , our target group would not do that . A: No . --> D: So if that would increase the price for which we're selling our remote control B: Mm . D: I would greatly advise not to do it . A: Yeah . D: I think that would be better to uh insert in our other product , that is meant for the B: A: Yeah . D: younger people . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Means buttons are in the shape of fruits , D: Yeah maybe the shape the shape -> C: buttons are in the frape shape of fruits or something , apple , banana , something like that . --> D: No , not n not not too much focus , not too much focu not n not too s not too similar to a fruit because next year the ten the trend the trend will be different . A: Apple for channel one . C: content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Okay . -> B: Rather mango or something or . A: Um . --> D: Well it's it's definitely the obvious choice , with the colour of our company . A: Yeah . C: D: I mean what other what other fruit and vegetables other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , but you don't have to . A: Trust me . -> A: The idea of this technology is that you don't think about it , it just happens . --> D: No , I I don't move my uh my remote control very much , seriously . A: Okay , then we d Okay , well y we don't have to do it , but what that would just have a lack of key features , you know . C: Oui . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.31: Uh-huh. / -> B.31: {D Well, } you should, {F uh, } run for a school board position. / --> A.32: {F Oh, } {D well. } That I'm not so sure about. / A.32: I've got a lot of things to keep me busy. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.36: I heard it was, {F uh, } sort of {D like, } {F uh, } not, {F uh, } too violent, / -> B.36: {C but } it was kind of {D like, } {F uh, } gross, kind of like, {F uh, } SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, {D like. } / --> A.37: {F Uh, } no, / A.37: {C and } [ it, + {F uh, } it ] was kind of, - / A.37: I don't know, / A.37: it's kind of both, I guess, / A.37: {C but } [ it's not, + it's not ] as bad as SILENCE OF THE LAMBS. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI C: And if you say it's just a r uh normal colour -> C: it's a normal colour , C: wh C: No one will see it . --> A: Yellow rubber . A: Yeah , normal . content,irony, SOURCE: AMI D: A rat ? B: Yeah . -> D: That's difficult . C: Yes C: you have to draw a rat if you want a rat . --> A: No . A mouse is not too difficult . C: It's your rat . B: Yeah , it's okay . implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , but uh I think that becomes too difficult , -> A: it's not a very common function and people will have to read up on their remote then . --> D: Well , I use it very regularly , the action . I re I use it quite often . A: Yeah , yeah , but maybe you s yeah yeah , maybe y you do , but I've never heard of it in the first place . And B: Will you look content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: That is pretty stupid . C: N not very practical . Well -> B: uh titanium-coloured plastic ? A: Who ? D: A: You want to dump the titanium ? B: Yeah B: well if we uh we we have to get cheaper . A: And make all plastic , then we ha then we're there . --> C: But I'm n I don't agree . B: But then we we've got to uh run through the eval evaluation process again . C: I think content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Neither was I . -> D: Well it's a trend in fashion , in clothing and um fabrics . --> A: Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control . B: C: So so okay , let me get this right . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Cute na A: Yeah -> C: Mush mushroom controller . A: th no , it's the it's the pineapple control remote control . --> D: You cannot say mushroom because it's not the trend . B: It's not a mushroom . A: It's a pineapple now , it has changed . It's a pineapple . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Uh Marketing Expert uh have to go to product evaluation . A: Okay ? -> D: I wo what about adding the this word spotting , keyword spotting recognition saying volume up volume down ? A: It's too difficult . --> D: It's too difficult but people like innovation and that's really uh innovative D: and I don't know if it would cost a lot , just a few five words . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.55: {D Now, } there's some, / -> A.55: {C and } maybe, {D now, } I don't remember if this is Texas or not, that has something about all drug dealers can be sentenced to the death sentence. / --> B.56: {F Um, } {F um, } {D well, } [ n-, + other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI A: Most of the time you have the -> A: yeah it's a sleeping remote control . B: Yeah , sleeping . --> D: Ah , that's not the ecological part , yeah . A: That's true . A: W that why we have the solar ti yeah . other,other,insufficient context? or implicature/implicature SOURCE: AMI D: That's stupid . B: We'll see . -> D: Okay . --> B: I don't agree . D: Mm . D: Sorry . content,convent-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.146: {F Oh, } {D well, } it's not that long ago. / -> B.146: (( It was )) , --> A.147: Not this past fall / A.147: {C but } {E I mean } fall, implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.86: Uh-huh. / -> B.86: I don't even own a bike, / -> B.86: I think the last time I was on a bike when I was about twelve, / -> B.86: {D so. } - / -> B.86: {F Uh, } I don't know, / -> B.86: I'd be [ afraid, + , afraid ] I probably forgot how to ride a bike, {D you know. } / --> A.87: No, / A.87: you can't forget how to ride a bike. / content,contradiction,could be a presupposition (that it is possible) SOURCE: AMI C: Yes , but but when you want to have something special A: Yeah , but we already have the docking station , which is -> C: Yes , but you had a picture of it from another company . D: We have a pear . B: And uh the --> A: It has to be developed , B: Yeah . C: C: A: but no , but it that's C: A: that's our that's our killer feature . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Who ? D: I mean , the the colour of the background of the display ? -> B: Yeah . Yeah . --> D: Ah well I don't guess it s has to be a sixty uh sixty six five thousand uh colour , so yeah too expensive . A: And then you can use yellow or semething . A: Why not ? content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Just D: Yeah . A: A: Yeah , -> A: but maybe we can paint it . Uh , what do we want ? --> C: Yeah , but if I paint with A: I'll paint . Okay . C: other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: ICSI me045: o_k . me010: so uh == -> me045: i mean it seems like that's much more reliable . me045: cuz you could have outdoor places that sell things . me045: and you know - indoor places that do something else . --> me010: yeah the problem with it is that it sort of - putting in a feature just for one decision . me045: and == me010: now w- - we may wind up having to do that . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: We knew what we were doing . B: It was a very democratic process and everyone got to contribute . -> A: Well I thought my leadership was crap personally . --> B: Well you told us when to start and when to end , and that's all that matters . D: A: Excuse me , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.62: Yeah / -> B.62: {C and } twenty seconds you probably won't get caught in anything too substantial. / --> A.63: {D Well } I did, actually. / A.63: Last week going to the airport, / A.63: I just hit a downpour / A.63: {C and } I was on a highway going like eighty. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . A: Well I , oh -> B: Th they are used to use it when they can see the T_V_ B: so , I don't know . D: Yeah . --> A: On the other side , we want to have something new . A: You know , D: Yeah . A: where A: we want to to have something new A: and So we I think we should still thinking about it . A: But maybe . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , that's possible , B: but then you have still the images on the rubber of the case . -> B: So still then , if you feel uh li uh if you feel your remote control , you just rub on the cover , so you rub on the painting . --> A: No no , there's no painting , A: only uh yellow or But it's into the rubber . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Double curved . B: Double curve . We can transform the double curve into single c yeah . -> A: Something flat . B: F some --> D: Yeah , but flat A: S uncurved . Yeah , maybe not . B: Single curve . other,other,unclear SOURCE: ICSI fe016: so the question is you know how many more overlaps do you have of say the two-person type by adding more people to a meeting . fe016: and it may be a lot more but i- - it may - it may not be . -> me013: well | but see i find it interesting even if it wasn't any more . fe016: so == me013: because since we were dealing with this full duplex sort of thing in switchboard where it was just all separated out we just - everything was just nice . fe016: mm-hmm . me013: so that - so the issue is in - in a situation where th- - that's == --> fe016: well it's not really nice . fe016: it depends what you're doing . fe016: so if you were actually having == fe016: uh == fe016: depends what you're doing . fe016: if - right now we're do- - we have individual mikes on the people in this meeting . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Well -> D: it would certainly make a fancy design . B: Yeah . A: Yeah . --> C: But the It wouldn't be very robust . D: So C: It's very fragile implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.86: I, - / -> B.86: [ that, + that ] sounds like a hell of an idea. / -> B.86: I didn't know there was such a thing. / --> A.87: No, / A.87: no / A.87: there isn't. / A.87: [ I, + I'm ] saying that's the question. / A.87: What do you think could be better / A.87: {C and } I'm saying that pensions, say in the year two thousand or more when social security goes away, which it probably will, - / A.87: I think they ought to have a pension at least that you'd never lose. / A.87: {C So } you work for a company seven years, -/ precondition,contradiction,interesting SOURCE: AMI A: Does it makes it kinda C: Yes . -> D: Well y you you could connect that to two hundred to twenty volts , of course . C: Or B: Mm . Yeah , but that's not it's ugly , I think . A: Yeah , yeah . Okay . Yeah . D: I don't know . --> A: Yeah , but then it's very easy to make it also a rechargeab I don't think that is gonna cost much to make it also a recharge function in it . B: No . D: On the other hand , if you don't do it , we can also make a nice bay . other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: ICSI me013: uh - | o_k . fe008: yeah . -> me011: uh - | should y- - we make him wear andreas' mike or would that just be too confusing ? me013: yeah . --> me013: no i don't think it's confusing . me013: well | it doesn't confuse me . other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: SWBD -> B.56: {F Oh, } {D well } I'll let you go if you want to go ahead and take that, / --> A.57: No, / A.57: no, / A.57: I don't care about that, / A.57: she'll be on the phone all night. / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: I thought it would be handy there . B: Uh this the one number or two numbers button . B: Below that , the page and the sound . B: And uh in the middle the the mute . -> B: Uh battery indicator . --> C: It's quite large . D: B: It's it's a bit big . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: But D: yeah -> B: Marketing . D: it uh --> A: I I think this is more a question of of look and feel . A: Something that should be addressed later A: We should we should go to other for the other topics . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.87: {C But } it's not, {F uh, } - / -> A.87: if you kill someone in your home, as long as they are in your home, it's considered self-defense though. / --> B.88: That's not always true. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . Yeah . C: No uh uh . -> D: Maybe you should draw it very large like this . --> B: Yeah but this part isn't uh functioning properly . A: Yeah . A: Sensitive . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah . C: Yeah , I'm sure , C: because since our User Interface speech recognition C: and also Marketing Expert for the speech recognition is really handy , A: Mm-hmm . D: Mm-hmm . A: Mm-hmm . C: so C: we can have another , like uh s simple speech recogniser on our D_S_B_ chip . A: Mm . C: Since we have some kind of uh energy C: this is our C: this normal battery , C: so this battery , once you s switch on it will take power C: and we can have some speech recognition and in our g generally small digital signal processing chip C: so that and we will put uh the small uh simple speech recogniser -> C: and we can also train the speech recogniser for particular user A: On C: so you just A: Uh train it , okay . C: yeah , D: Mm-hmm . A: Mm-hmm . C: so that we just use simple recog --> B: Too complex . D: A: content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: but you could uh I thin uh B: And which you don't use . -> C: there's a possibility to g uh to uh to put those buttons uh behind some uh kind of uh protection D: Flap C: so that if y y you only get to see them when you need 'em . D: yeah . B: Right . D: Yeah , okay , that's possible , C: That's possible , C: so that you only get the --> D: but it'll get very big the the remote control . B: Yeah . C: No n n no , implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , y you can lose it , -> B: but it isn't hard to lose . --> D: It isn't hard , no . D: I think I think this is a two , personally . other,other, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , D: and -> A: Maybe you have to uh put uh a small light around the button you push . A: So you see green if you push that button . C: Huh , that's a good idea . --> D: Mm I think it's unnecessary power uh you use then . A: Yeah , A: but if you u if you do that , you know that you're uh sending a signal . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.42: Yeah, / -> B.42: in the engineering they all do pretty much. / --> A.43: No, / A.43: [ {E [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] meant, } + {E I meant } ] down, like, in the elementary schools. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , D: a swapable front or whatever . -> A: Yeah , or just different colours would be uh I don't know if people also wanna spend more money on fronts for their uh remote control . B: Well C: For the remote control . A: It could be be --> B: Why not ? A: Yeah , you never know , but D: Yeah . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Or a or a ball , C: yeah , -> C: not a a wheel but a ball , C: and you say uh to --> A: No , a wheel is better . B: Yeah . A: I would say the wheel is better . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI fe016: but it's definitely great to have the other one . fe016: that's == -> me013: if there was some - is there some way to have someone write patches in something faster and - and - link it in or something . me013: or is that ?== --> me011: not easily . me011: i mean y- - yes we could do that . me011: you could - you can write widgets in c_ . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.160: {D Well, } I heard it on the news today, / -> B.160: I could swear it was I B M. / --> A.161: No, / A.161: as a matter of fact, the I B M [ right here, + {C or } in Carey, ] which is a little suburb of Raleigh, [ just, + just ] hired one more human factors person. / implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah okay . B: C: A: D: The next element um is the product looks good . D: Well personally , I do not prefer a um remote control that's fully in yellow . -> D: So , I would give this a five . --> C: I give it a one . B: D: content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay , for now it's a six or a seven uh , sev D: It's it's a six . -> A: six maybe , B: Six . A: because --> C: But the retrieval or the D: That m f D: Yeah , for the retrieval function . other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: ICSI me025: well hang on . me022: oh . -> me011: that's not the first question . --> me025: well - well i guess . me022: o_k . me025: do you - so do you ?== content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , I think two , yeah . I agree . Two . D: Antek ? -> C: Yes , two , but only in c when you compare it with with elderly . --> A: Uh , that is not the question . It's just w it will be bought by people under forty . D: No , that's no comparison . A: Yeah , you can precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.93: That she may want to save, if [ she, + she ] doesn't have it anymore. / --> B.94: No, / B.94: she sold it / B.94: {C and } she, -/ precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.48: I don't see how they could be, especially not if they have to pay for child care. / --> A.49: {D Well, } no, / A.49: even families that don't have child care, - / A.49: {E I mean, } {D you know, } when I think of this one friend who makes probably twenty thousand dollars a year, [ and + ] I'm sure she spends at least that in clothes, plus, {D you know, } fast food every day, and out to lunch every day, / implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.104: # {C And } # I'm not really that great at it / -> A.104: {C so } it just turned out to be [ [ too much of a, + too much, ] + too much ] cooking. / -> A.104: {C So, } <> {D well, } I guess I'll let you get back to feeding your little one there. / --> B.105: No, {F uh, } / B.105: he's all done. / other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: ICSI fe016: yeah . fe016: i mean - is there ?== fe016: i know this sounds tough but we've got the room set up . fe016: um - | i was starting to think of some projects where you would use == fe016: well | similar to what we talked about with uh - energy detection on the close-talking mikes . fe016: there are a number of interesting questions that you can ask about how interactions happen in a meeting that don't require any transcription . fe016: so what are the patterns - the energy patterns over the meeting ? fe016: and i'm really interested in this but we don't have a whole lot of data . fe016: so i was thinking you know - we've got the room set up . -> fe016: and | you can always think of - also for political reasons - if icsi collected you know - two hundred hours that looks different than forty hours even if we don't transcribe it ourselves . --> me013: but i don't think we're gonna stop at the end of this semester . fe016: so == me013: right ? implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.188: # {C and } I'm twenty-three, # / --> B.189: # No. # / other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI A: this is it . -> A: Um maybe I could ask one of you to uh fill it in , A: so that I can also uh take minutes , --> B: I want to fill it in , but uh D: No prob . A: and uh maybe the other can uh use that thing to count uh numerous functions . implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Alright . A: Yeah ? -> D: Let's do it then . Yeah . C: A a A: Uh then we have left D: we --> B: But we don't have any basic options any more . D: A: Uh yeah . We do . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: you should like make Alessi or something design it . D: Okay , yeah . -> A: That would also be nice . A: But that's gonna then you c then you don't --> D: Yeah , but twelve and a half Euros ? Uh A: Yeah , but then you don't have t yeah it that's not something i that's in the production cost a one it's a one time , you know s was it's a single cost . D: Yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Well A: I I don't think A: yeah A: I can't see anybody buying a lap a remote control that they have to plug in A: so we'd have to see some kind of new battery technology . D: Right . A: Okay so A: let's go with a um touch screen -> A: with um some kind of you know with with some kind of cutting edge battery technology --> D: For twelve Euros ? C: A: Yeah well hey you know well content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . -> B: But uh the the television itself has also the the options brightness and uh screen colour etcetera . So D: Yeah . A: Contrast yeah . B: yeah . --> D: Yeah but people don't want to sit on their knees on their knees in front of their television with only three buttons then it's very hard to A: Mm . No . A: Uh , so contrast , implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah . D: And it's in . -> B: And if you w you push p children , uh you don't have to uh log in , but you can only watch uh children's channels or uh D: It automatically goes Yeah . A: Yeah . A: Yeah . B: Okay . B: Well --> C: I don't know if it's worth uh the time and effort we are going to spend on it . C: Because well it's a simple function , but it's gonna take a lot of resources and a lot of time um to programming it . C: Because you'll have to start working with the profiles and such . D: Mm-hmm . C: And I'm not sure if it's actually worth uh investing that much time and effort into it . C: I don't know what content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI A: It would -> A: that would mean you'd need a television that has Bluetooth in it , which no no television does , --> D: Well , if you're looking at if you looking at something that's going to be bought by people , you have to make it new , you have to make it state of the art . B: Well A: does it ? content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: that's m C: that's that's better too . More accurate numbers . C: Technologically innovative . C: Well , -> C: we're getting rid of the locator thing C: which which --> B: Which is a shame . C: yeah A: Mm . I'd give it a three for this for that . content,convent-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Well there there's always empty space of course on a remote control . D: I mean I think this part of the R_C_ uh well the upper the upper part or whatever is uh is not not used with buttons , I guess . A: No , I don't think you have to do it like C: B: -> D: So you you can put some fruity things --> A: Yeah , but it that doesn't have to remind you , you know , like explicitly of s our f of a of a specific piece of fruit , but just , you know , like the the the the round curves . C: D: No , of course not . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI me013: so you can do that by doing the voi- - voice activity detection . -> me013: you also could do it by spect- - uh - spectral subtraction before the variance normalization . me013: right ? --> mn007: yeah | but it's not clear . mn007: yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay . C: Right um what are the other options ? -> A: Uh there's solar power . Um . --> B: Uh , solar power will w also not be a good idea , B: because then they have to keep m their mobiles outside in solar energy , C: Yeah . A: Yeah . B: and the days when there is no sola sunlight content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Well it depends , B: I mean , you have the outs the wood itself is not gonna break -> B: so you don't have to worry too much about the case being broken , --> A: Yeah but the components inside . B: it's the inside . B: Yeah but inside you know you could have you can still have some kind of cushioning that's not visible to the to the user . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Um uh d I think the device should either be rechargeable very easily C: Mm-hmm . Okay . -> A: um or it should not consume too much um power . A: Because it's very annoying if you need to change the batteries every s uh uh every other week . B: Yeah . C: Okay . A: So um A: maybe we could um for example uh only light the buttons that are um uh applicable at that moment or B: But um B: Necessary , yeah . A: yeah . A: I dunno , A: it's uh A: that's more Sebastian's uh um B: Yeah . C: Hmm . --> B: But then Bluetooth uh might be problem . B: 'Cause I think Bluetooth uh content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , we need to have the the L_C_D_ screen . C: That that's a fact . Uh -> A: Well , we could say , well this special colour , that isn't that that isn't there , D: No A: because the the fronts they will buy it . The special colour . D: Yeah , but C: Yeah , but it's only one half . B: Nah . --> D: No , that's n It's not relevant . C: Uh it d it doesn't A: Yeah , implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: This one is really comfortable , -> D: like I like the sides whatever , --> C: Are you gonna lose it easier ? D: because D: But if we have the um , the locator , then we don't have to worry about that . other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , I th I think that's difficult , -> D: because uh that's different material , and then you gotta have like uh uh uh two material lines of of of --> C: No , we c we can make it from the same kind of plastic . D: Yeah , if it's just a colour uh which you uh which you change then , I guess it's it's nice to have one of these . D: Uh content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: I'm sure it's fun . A: Yeah . More than a banana ? -> D: But banana is not so handy , --> C: Banana is more handier as compared to this I think , and to capsicum . B: Well D: I think that's handier . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Uh the the shape is okay but B: yeah ? -> B: I don't see the the yeah why why we should use the the flipping uh mechanism . --> C: I thought it would be cool . D: Yeah . B: Because we implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.62: I don't know if your campus was anything like ours, / -> B.62: {C but } our parking lot's in one end [ of the, + of the ] campus / -> B.62: {C and } [ the school, + the buildings ] are all at the other end, / -> B.62: {D so. } - / -> B.62: ((You ut-,)) -/ --> A.63: No, / A.63: I didn't have, {D well, } much of a problem / A.63: [ we, + (( )) I ] guess I went to a small Baptist school / A.63: {C and } we had about, when I was there, maybe thirteen hundred people. / other,other, SOURCE: AMI C: Four . C: Okay . C: Mm-hmm . C: Mm . -> C: Yeah . I'm shameful A: D: Oh that's good , it's good . B: It's okay . B: It's in it's indeed beautiful . --> A: Good . D: Yeah , and strong . C: Yeah . Okay . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Um yeah C: it's C: it charges into um some form of C: it's a smaller cell which it charges into and uh the si the size sort of a watch a watch battery , A: Mm-hmm . C: 'cause they use them quite frequently in watches . A: Okay . C: And that'll that would l would last for um -> C: well I do I d I'm not entirely sure how long it would last but I've never seen one run out . --> B: But then if you think about a watch , it's on your wrist so it's on your whole bod it's on your body the whole time A: We c C: Yeah . B: so you're walking around , you're doing things , B: it is moving a lot of the time C: Yeah B: . If you'd C: and B: I mean you switch the T_V_ on , then you put it on the side , then you pick it up to change it and then you put it on the side . D: Mm-hmm . C: Yeah but then again B: Is it really gonna be enough ? other,other, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , I think it's uh Uh , well technologically using , it's not uh it doesn't contain many new features . -> D: Only the L_C_D_ . D: So , it D: Um , I think I will give it a yeah , yeah , yeah , a four . D: Hmm . --> C: I think the scroll-button is something also uh new . D: C: What uh not anoth uh , C: not a lot of uh a lot of uh remote controls have . C: I think technologically I'll give it an seven . C: Si six six . A: Yeah . C: Sorry , six . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: The solar cells , r is i is it ? A: Yeah , I think . -> C: Yeah , I think it's not t t --> A: I think , yeah . A: But it would i be interesting for our marketing team , to make a lot of advertisement concerning these solar cells to be content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI C: Yes , solar cells are also stated . A: Yeah , m but a w uh uh n uh a calculator also works on r on solar cells . -> C: Why don't we use solar cells then ? --> A: Because I think the d whole dynamic part , do you know , appeals to me qui uh thinking of our design philosophy , you know , A: with the rubber parts and uh sturdiness of the thing , and y when you move it around a lot , then people find the idea funny that when I move my remote control around and implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Hmm . B: What if I put one there ? -> D: That's stupid . --> B: We'll see . D: Okay . B: I don't agree . content,convent-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Well , then uh then I'll go for four . D: Four ? -> C: Because uh four is between three and uh uh also between between true and false . B: Yeah , okay , you're right . C: Uh , --> D: Yes , but five is between four and six . A: I think C: so I'll I'll go for four . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: This is dreadful . A: Yeah . -> B: I made uh uh my own map . --> C: No not this , but the task . A: Oh yeah sure . B: It's a precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: yeah ? B: Okay . Right . Um , right B: we can probably skip that for now . B: So , B: we've had some stuff put forward , um B: along with the new user requirements , B: um we've had a lot of kind of input I'd say so far . Um -> B: I hear what the Marketing Expert's saying about um voice activated control . B: However I've got a couple of worries about that . B: The power required , um and the ability to the cost , it seems like for uh an embedded system , this could cause us issues . --> D: Cost . Mm . B: Um for example you see that there's fairly robust services on uh computers via uh via voice , B: I_B_M_ do um drag and dictate , other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: Well , -> B: there is . B: Just a week ago , a keyboard manufacturer would print , C: Oh , C: I've read . D: Yeah . C: Yes . B: with and uh C: Yes , C: but our manufacturing department is not so advanced in its uh techniques . B: No . C: They're actually very slow in its techniques . A: Okay , --> C: So So I'm afraid it's not possible . A: so we have to deal with wh what's possible here . A: Yeah . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.141: # [ [ To, + to what, ] + {F uh, } to, ] - / -> A.141: # you say other things than sports, though. / --> B.142: {C Because, } no, / B.142: [ bec-, + ] normally it's because of the sports. / other,other, SOURCE: ICSI mn005: d_t_d . fe008: yeah . -> me018: i guess - i guess it seems to me like you know i - trying to deduce information about the person's status from the meeting independent form will be useless because == me013: see- == --> me011: not at all . me011: i mean the fact that one person's an undergrad and the other's a full professor is interesting . me011: so the question is how much of this information um can y- ?== implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: ICSI me010: o_k . -> me010: so i- - if i understand this - the == me010: aside from uh construed and all that sort of stuff the - the differences are mainly that we've gone to the possibility of having form-meaning pairs for a type . fe004: mm-hmm . me010: or actually gone back to . fe004: right . me010: if we go back far enough == --> fe004: well except for their construction meaning . fe004: so it's not clear that == fe004: uh == fe004: well right now it's a c- - uh contr- - construction type and meaning type . fe004: so i don't know what a form type is . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: I think C: w yeah , C: I think one . -> C: Well that was our brief and we followed the brief . C: Well we haven't got a big banana but --> B: The thing is , I think if somebody saw that and you said what was that inspired from , I don't know if you'd instantly say mango . C: Oh yeah . A: Be like content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: we don't have any buttons , B: so -> D: Eighteen and a half , B: Yeah , --> D: damn . B: we need to uh D: We have to lower it with six points . other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: I don't know how how large the actual remote should be B: but a little bit like this , or something . -> A: And maybe we have to add a tissue to remove the grease from all the fingers , huh . B: Yeah . C: Yeah D: Yeah D: but that that can be with plain soft tissue . --> C: You can do whatever uh any uh cloth . D: Yeah , D: you can buy those at content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah . D: Yeah . -> A: And we won't include a a pen , or something to point , D: No . A: hey , A: we we want to do it with our fingers , D: Yeah . A: right ? C: Your fingers , yeah . D: Yeah . C: You don't want uh A: Yeah . --> B: Y you could include a pen C: Because if you lose the pen uh if you lose the pen uh you can't use D: Use a pen You you c content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: No . A: Maybe for volume control . -> C: I think the channels . --> A: Channel , I think that would be annoying C: Oh . A: because it might accidentally scroll onto another channel . C: Yeah . A: I think a push-button for channel would be better . C: . A: I mean it A: for volume control it's it's a smoother motion , C: Huh ? C: Huh . A: you can just increase or decrease . A: But not sure . For channels will be good . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay . What's the first thing we should drop ? A: The special colour of the buttons ? -> B: No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look . So A: Okay . --> C: Yeah but everything is . A: Uh A: Should we switch to a hand dynamo ? implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yes , but that remote controls are already on the market . The simple A: It doesn't fit in our philosophy uh behind the whole remote . -> C: Yes , but but when you want to have something special A: Yeah , but we already have the docking station , which is C: Yes , but you had a picture of it from another company . --> D: We have a pear . B: And uh the A: It has to be developed , implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: That sounds good then . D: I'd go for a I ca -> D: we can adjust the volume on that , just as we could volume on T_V_ . So if sombody's in the other room or if T_V_s in different rooms , or . C: Um I think it would r C: I think it would probably be a a stand it would be a stand B: A standard . --> C: it would be quite loud . B: It would be . D: Right . Okay . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI me018: right ? me018: i mean you scan - i mean if you have a display of the waveform . -> me011: oh you're talking about visually . fe008: yeah . me011: i just don't think == --> fe008: w- - well | the other problem is the breaths . fe008: cuz you also see the breaths on the waveform . fe008: i've - i've looked at the int- - uh - s- - i've tried to do that with a single channel . fe008: and - and you do see all sorts of other stuff besides just the voice . other,other, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , D: we might need a scroll wheel , right , for that ? -> C: No C: but for this one it's twelve Euro . --> D: No , for that one also . C: There are twelve ? B: So , implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.42: I'm going down to El Paso next week / -> A.42: and, uh, I was wondering what the weather was, / -> A.42: but I imagine if it's that cold in Dallas it, -/ --> B.43: Well, El Paso won't be cold. / implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: So , easy functions . Well , we will we will I think we'll work that out , A: zapping , numbers on it , bi -> B: Or just give a beep when the battery's out or uh down . D: Yeah , why not . --> A: Yeah . But it's also annoying . B: A: 'cause as long as it stays as it ke keeps working , you're not very motivated to do something about it . D: Hmm . B: Yeah . B: true . A: Then it beeps all the time and . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Or shall we just put it on the pistol thing ? -> C: And then just put also on L_C_D_ on it ? --> A: If you have pistol , it L_C_D_'s not easy . A: Y y Yeah but content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.88: I don't know, / -> B.88: sometimes the smaller ones are just as bad. / --> A.89: {D Well, } {C but } they can't be though, / A.89: they don't have as much money. / content,contradiction,could be counterevidence SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . -> B: Yeah , but it's not a positive thing . --> C: It's a very positive thing if you see like that . B: Well , you know , it's it's handy , it's ergonomic , but it's a banana . A: Well , don't forget well , don't for content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.8: {F Uh, } my home [ is, + {D well, } is ] typical for the area. / -> B.8: I live in a development, {F uh, / -> B.8: } it's a relatively, I would say, {D well, } - / -> B.8: God, it [ sounds like, + sounds like ] I'm bragging # . # / --> A.9: # # No, / A.9: that's okay . / content,contradiction,could be "you are not bragging", but could also be rejecting an "I'm impolite" implicature SOURCE: AMI A: No . D: No ? -> B: But then you have to have a template for every channel , for a hundred channels , B: you have to be able to to recognize --> D: It's not a lot one hundred templates , C: Mm-hmm . B: Mm . D: it's not implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: because there are are some possibilities and some impossibilities . C: Um I had a talk with uh our manufacturing uh division , C: and uh we had a talk about all the different components um who are in this design . C: Uh these are the things we've looked at . C: And of course I used the web to uh find my information . C: About the casing , we have three different casing possibilities . C: We have the uncurved or flat case . Uh that's the most common uh remote con control form uh C: we're used to is just a it ju it's just a box . C: I'm sorry C: I I don't have any pictures of uh of this thing . C: We have uh a curved one . C: It's uh curved in two dimensions . C: You have to imagine it's a bit like a wave form . C: So it's uh a little more advanced in its in its shape . A: Okay . C: Uh and we have an even more advanced uh shape , C: which is curved in three dimension . C: I c C: I think you can compare it a little bit with the uh big grey image uh you had in your presentation . The the big remote control , something like that . B: Yeah . B: Right . C: But it's quite uh advanced C: and it's it's quite daring to to use I think . C: Um for these casings we have uh different types of finishing . C: We can use plastic , C: which is uh very slippery C: and maybe not so nice , C: but you can give it any colour , C: uh which is the same for rubber , C: but it's not slippery . C: We can use wood and titanium . C: Well , um C: we cannot use the titanium on the double curve cases . C: And these latex cases , there's there's just the plastic ones uh won't allow the use of solar cells as an energy source source . C: Which brings me to the different energy sources . C: Um well , -> C: we even seem to have uh hand dyn dynamos for uh powering our uh remote controls . A: B: D: C: You really have to imagine like winding up your uh --> B: Great . D: A: Well , content,irony,I guess it has to be irony SOURCE: AMI D: No , but this is disadvant disadvantage . C: I don't have to -> A: Yeah , I think it's a disadvantage . --> C: It's advantage . D: Yeah . B: And mayb maybe we can have the switching mode to pass from you know voice controller to content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: But it's flat it's flat as as this , -> C: so we can p make all the products as flat as this . B: You can . D: Yeah sure , --> B: But i i i it's backwards . D: but if you got if you got a tiny player , it can C: Yes , but when you make uh uh a bit of big content,convers-imp,I guess this is a counterevidence SOURCE: SWBD -> B.252: Yeah, / -> B.252: jumbo. / --> A.253: No, gumbo. / content,contradiction,metalinguistic? SOURCE: SWBD -> B.63: -- given the differences in the world, / -> B.63: {C and } people are just too different. / --> A.64: {D Well, } [ I don't, + I don't ] know. / A.64: I think that [ un-, + underlying ] we're all [ pretty, + probably ] not [ as, + as ] different as everybody thinks. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: why not ? B: Or Yeah . -> D: That's fa That's fancy . That's uh fashion . --> A: But it looks cheap as well , A: because it's a small thing . A: It's only twenty five Euros . A: It looks very cheap if you make it content,convers-imp, SOURCE: ICSI me018: yeah . me018: i - i guess what i'm == -> me018: i mean i - i was thinking about it in terms of if i were building the final product . me018: and i was gonna test to see which front-end i'd - i wanted to use . me018: i would try to weight things depending on the exact environment that i was gonna be using the system in . me018: if i == --> me013: but - but - no . me013: well no . me013: well no . me013: i mean it isn't the operating theater . me013: i mean they don- - they - they don't - they don't really know i think . content,contradiction SOURCE: AMI A: Street pizza . A: It's so brilliant . -> A: I've seen more urine in this city than ever before , D: Oh my God . C: I just came from Glasgow A: I mean D: Seriously ? C: and I'm um happy to say that there's the there's the same quantity approximately . B: There's more vomit there . C: Um . A: It's so minging . C: I w D: It really is --> A: Uh . C: Does C: uh yeah . other,other,unclear (also, self-rejection?) SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah . Cool . B: Yeah . Yeah . -> C: Um the buttons . Normal rubber I think . Like normal ordinary buttons . Soft . B: Yeah , B: I uh I dunno . A: Yeah . B: A more A: It it could be like a Nokia , like plastic . D: Uh uh B: Yeah , B: just uh C: With the hard hard buttons . A: That's better prob --> B: I think uh rubber really has an odd look . A: Yeah . C: Okay . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.9: -- which in principle is going [ into, + into ] a big trust fund, / -> A.9: {C but } that is a particularly regressive tax, {F uh, } / -> A.9: it's a tax on the first dollar earnings, / -> A.9: {C and } Senator Moynihan's, {F uh, } proposal [ [ to, + to, ] + to ] cut there I think [ wou-, + makes ] a lot of sense. / --> B.10: I'm sorry, / B.10: I couldn't. / content,convent-imp SOURCE: AMI C: Uh-huh . D: Or -> C: The power button could be like a big apple or something . D: Mm . D: --> B: Well yeah , but Apple would sue you for that . A: Yeah , this is true . C: They don they don't own all images of apples . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: Well , it's like white on i white and blue on a black background with white with yellow borders . A: Okay . -> C: Maybe that's like getting ahead of ourselves . A: Well , --> B: It wouldn't be A: maybe you can come up with a few with a couple of different ideas ? C: Mm . content,contradiction, SOURCE: ICSI me013: that's an important question to ask . -> me013: i think what i'm - all i'm s- - really saying is that i don't think we were considering that in switchboard . fe016: so == --> fe016: not you ** me . me013: were you ?== me011: though it wasn't in the design . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.27: the idea [ of, + of, ] {F uh, } - / -> B.27: [ what's the, + what's ] America's role there / -> B.27: {C and } [ it, + it, ] {F uh, } - / -> B.27: [ with, + with ] other things going on, [ it, + it ] seems to have lessened, / -> B.27: {C but } you've still got, {F uh, } Cuba that [ accepts, + exerts ] some influence. / --> A.28: [ The only, + the only ] thing I see about Cuba though, is, {F uh, } after Fidel Castro dies, I don't think they'll be a communist power anymore. / A.28: [ I, + I ] can't see communism in that country carrying on past him. / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: But but uh C: yeah , what he said was right , about the televisions , they have to be uh customised to the -> A: Nah , that's not gonna work . --> C: But maybe in future it will be a giant hit , and when you are the first D: No . A: Yeah . C: you have the biggest uh content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Well I mean we really got into talking about like personal practicalit A: like it wasn't necessarily what was like -> A: we would never have thought of fruit or sponginess you know ? B: Yeah . D: No . C: Yeah . A: So it's B: If I hadn't been told that fruit was --> D: But I think that it it might be to see whether people actually all come up with the same thing . A: Oh right . A: given certain information or content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , -> D: but then I d I don't think we can ever make to a twelve and half . C: Alright . --> B: Yeah , you can , B: you should you have to lose content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: And it's the same thing what happens -> A: and a g remote control gives another signal after five seconds that is just one . --> D: No , remote control doesn't give signal after five seconds . D: Remote control is a stupid thing . D: If you push a button , it sends it immediately to to the television . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: in the middle or something . A: Yeah , yeah . -> C: because yeah , it doesn't matter where the microphone is . B: but you should uh decide where you want to put it . C: Ah okay , sure , okay , B: Right ? C: well C: tha D: Um I think where it isn't seen C: Underneath ? D: the most . C: Indeed . It shouldn't be uh very uh visible . D: Inside . B: You could p you could put it in a logo of the company . A: Yeah . D: Yeah . C: Yeah sure , why no A: Well A: maybe just in the the spot you just pointed out D: I i D: between the round of the R_ . B: Yeah . D: Yeah . --> A: because I think it should be in a in an important position where people can see it , A: because it is the the unique uh idea of our remote , huh , the the speech control . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: and there's some cute button . C: You c can can you can see the the shape of the buttons n is a mushroom , so -> A: Everything's mushroom . B: Yeah . C: Yeah , everything's mushroom . A: So we can call our remote control the mushroom . C: Mush --> B: Yeah but it's not like really mushroom because you have uh you know uh like lemon shape , you know , C: Mushroom design , yeah . B: centre is yellow and t d content,contradiction SOURCE: AMI B: It's two point five . B: No , -> B: it's twelve point two five . D: Are you sure ? D: Sorry , not meaning to doubt your words there . B: Yeah well B: two , twelve point two five times two is twenty five , D: Right . D: Are they really going to quibble about ten P_ ? Or point zero one of a Euro ? B: isn't it ? --> A: It's twelve point five maybe , then . D: Which is less than ten P_ . A: I don't know what content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: You have to -> A: The whole the whole uh remote control becomes uh green if you press the buttons . --> C: I I think uh the batteries will be uh a little A: Uh that's cool . B: Uh Oh , content,convers-imp,counterevidence SOURCE: SWBD -> A.117: <> I think they're cutting us off. / --> B.118: No, / B.118: that's -- -/ content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah . -> D: Yeah and it says menu and it flips open and then you have the buttons to control it , in combination with your B: That's B: but it's it's not C: Yeah . Exactly . --> B: it's not very uh very strong uh yeah if you drop it one time . D: True . It uh c it can go open . C: Well yeah the the idea of it was , is that because you close it , you cover the L_C_D_ screen and it won't be vulnerable to scratches or whatever . content,convers-imp,counterevidence SOURCE: SWBD -> B.114: {F Uh, } the last, - / -> B.114: {D like, } BACK TO THE FUTURE then (( was the last one )) . / --> A.115: No, / A.115: no, / A.115: no, / A.115: it was called, {F uh, } HARD WAY, where he was an actor, [ trying to portray -- + content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: I never use it . C: Yeah but uh -> A: I can't say I found everything particularly helpful . C: Yeah . A: Like I C: It didn't really B: Yeah . C: yeah . A: It --> D: I though it was brilliant no ? B: My first bit of information was like this child's drawn picture of how a remote works . A: Really ? content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Mm-hmm . A: Okay . -> A: Well that's 's up to uh Mister User Interface Designer . B: D: Yeah . D: It's it's pretty uh B: Okay . D: yeah I mean you have to look on on the menu C: working design . Doch . D: on the T_V_ . A: Also . A: That's you're --> C: He only has to figure out how it has to look . C: And how content,convers-imp,he only -> he don't has to someting else SOURCE: AMI D: maybe left-handed special addition , but okay . B: D: If you put it like like here . Or something . D: I dunno . -> D: Um then you could put a screen , like on a mobile phone , also on top I guess . A: Mm-hmm . --> B: Yeah but if you are using the the normal functions , the the basic functions , you normally press them on the u yeah . A: Do the also with the thumb . A: So it should be a little bit longer so that you can put your uh thumb , also reach the middle . content,convers-imp,counterevidence SOURCE: AMI A: then then our concept is ready . B: Cheap remote control . -> A: Yeah , we make some extra profit of it . D: Yeah . No , we won't , but that's um something else . C: But now B: It w it won't tell , but --> D: No , this not gonna sell . No . A: Huh , any ideas ? D: Of course not . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: whereas the other thing about having it jog dial this way , it tends to get moved accidentally . D: Mm-hmm . -> B: Yeah if you are holding it in your hand you could you could do that , couldn't you ? D: Well why don't we do it like a mouse then ? B: If you're holding it in your hand you could --> A: That's a very unnatural motion to B: Do you think ? A: yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah okay . B: We just -> D: you can you can change D: Yeah . No . --> C: Nah , C: but they just said we need it . A: Okay . C: Uh the battery contacts , like normal batteries ca you can put in . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.3: {D Well } good, / -> A.3: maybe I can learn something. / --> B.4: {D Well, } I don't know how much you can learn. / content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah , f very fancy trendy . A: Okay . -> B: Yes , a one . --> A: I say a two . B: D: A: It's a a bit personal . If it's fancy . D: Yeah . A: So I think s two is better . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.122: in that area. / -> B.122: {C And } [ I, + I'm ] sure that it's a lot different there. / -> B.122: {F Uh, } it's a lot different [ in I-, + [ than, + in Iowa ] than ] # it is here. # / --> A.123: # {D Well, } no. / A.123: # [ I think, + I think ] [ there, + as I recall in my son's class, there ] [ were, + were ] [ an awfu-, + an awful ] lot of [ mi-, + minorities. ] content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . B: I would do a battery we do . -> D: Solar cell . B: Right ? D: No D: it took a battery ? B: A battery . One battery , A: We'll wait . --> C: No , no solar cell , no no no no . B: right ? A: Yeah . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: no no of the remote -> C: uh do do we want uh the buttons to make sound when you press them ? As a confirmation or whatever you know ? B: Mm . D: Mm . C: I dunno . A: Mm . --> D: I think it g it gets annoying . D: I mean most mobile phones used that in the beginning but content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: So I think before talking about the other thing , it's important thing it's the case . B: A: Uh what what are gonna be the size , A: because its weight drives the other what we are going to use as features and so on . -> A: For example for the for the L_C_D_ , if we choose to have a small device , we cannot use this um a such a a a screen . --> B: Uh the s the screen is okay , but the board , uh that's the problem . B: Well what what would you guess as a shape ? B: Or what what would be the shape ? content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: B: Are you left-handed ? -> C: No . --> B: Oh , pity . C: Okay . C: Should I clean ? other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI A: Easy , powerful . C: D: Mm . -> A: So I don't think we need to redesign the p the product . B: No . --> D: Uh that's what we've just done . B: We've done it with it is under the if it was low , high or so . A: Yeah . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.103: Of course, that's probably blasphemy for you to say, {F uh, } coming from where you are in Texas. / --> B.104: {F Uh, } no, / B.104: no, / B.104: because if, we, - / B.104: what was it, seventy-four when we had [ the, + the ] [ last + last ] oil crisis? / B.104: {C And, } {F uh, } we started getting smart / B.104: [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we were looking all these alternative sources of the energy and so forth. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: So it's that that's what I've seen . D: Yeah , that's true , -> C: Yes , you can put uh a little L_C_D_ display on it with uh with lots of information . D: if you uh Yeah . --> A: But it just it j it doesn't doesn't match with the our whole basic concept . C: But uh I haven't thought about it . C: But whe but when you put a a a transparent uh plastic uh uh screen on top of it , it i it isn't vulnerable . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: If uh C: 'Kay c If we do C: If we use one , then we'll have just a switch on it , -> C: and you'll just switch it , C: and now it's the sound to switch back D: B: Mm . --> A: That's th that's more difficult . D: But if we have uh a me Yeah . A: It's better in content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.35: Yeah, / -> B.35: like {D say } Houston. / -> B.35: [ {D Now } I would, + {D now } me not even knowing anything about Houston, I would ] think that it's a pretty calm city. / --> A.36: Houston is not at all. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah , C: well you see , C: each made one , -> C: we didn't have enough yellow dough . B: --> A: Ah . C: This is the one that I made . A: Uh-huh . other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI A: Shit . D: There goes the special co -> A: Drop the special colour . B: Oh no . --> D: Well That would make it less appealing . So that's no option . A: 'Kay . A: What else ? content,convers-imp,maybe mixed impl+contradiction SOURCE: AMI D: Okay . C: I dunno . I dunno if it's handy . -> B: I think it will only look more like the old remote controls . D: Uh C: This ? B: Yeah . --> C: The olden the olden ones had looked like just a square thing . B: Yeah okay . B: But uh I had a lot of pictures content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: And we still have money left . A: What do we want , guys ? -> C: I want gold plating . --> D: Yeah right . C: No no um A: D: I want chrome . content,irony,clear cut irony! SOURCE: SWBD -> A.23: Uh-huh. / -> A.23: Yeah, / -> A.23: its tough [ to, + to ] say [ what, + {F uh, } {D you know, } what, ] {F uh, } - / -> A.23: as far as this, that good or bad or what. - / -> A.23: {C But, } {F uh, } I was just talking to somebody else, / -> A.23: {C and } all those European countries, they pay all the way through college and stuff like that. / -> A.23: They, - / -> A.23: {D so, } {F uh, } -/ --> B.24: {D Well, } not so much pay. / B.24: I'm not trying to see the government put out any more. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Right from the start of the day . A: Yeah I think -> C: We sort of knew where we were going straight away I thought . --> A: we st we started off a little little weak . A: Our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . D: A: Um um D: A: But as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . A: Um room for creativity ? A: There was that . A: Um I think we tried a lotta different things A: and um I think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . A: Um you guys worked together well as a team . A: And um the means ? A: Which was the whiteboard and the pens . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: But there's uh also one problem with this I noticed . -> C: Uh you have to finish a page before going to a n --> A: No , you don't have to . No , you don't . D: No . A: I jin content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: But you you want C: F for the L_C_D_ menu right ? -> B: okay . You just want to hide them all ? D: Yeah . C: So w w B: The oh . D: Yeah . --> A: No not all because you need most of them , the arrow buttons . A: But you can hide the okay and the back uh button . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: And it's cheapest all round , A: it sounds kinda funky , A: and we can also market it B: P C: Yeah . A: as i 'cause we were s saying earl A: you were saying earlier in your research that um the the people have the R_ people were getting the complaining about R_S_I_ , and this is anti-R_S_I_ . D: . D: Yeah . B: Yeah . -> A: So that's another marketing point that we can use . --> D: Well the rubber push-buttons . Don't you have to move your A: But anything is gonna have buttons . D: Mm . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI B: Okay , so -> B: let's remember there's a Nokia phone which changeable panels . D: Mm yeah , okay , D: so that would be the option B: Do you like it ? D: . I don't know D: I don't have a Nokia phone , A: C: But it's uh D: but D: I don't use that D: but again , uh I might B: That's why you don't have it . That's why , D: Yeah , D: bu but --> B: 'cause it's nasty . A: C: But it would be expensive , no ? If you use colour L_C_D_ . other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI B: And you can't get B: you've got your handset that works fine , -> B: but you can't get the battery anymore for that type of phone , D: Mm . Mm . B: because the phones have moved on , things like that . D: Or there isn't a cover to fit it or whatever , B: Yes . D: yeah . --> B: It's madness . Um D: See I think B: In closing There we go . A: C: B: Um our costs are below budget B: with recommendations that they the budget be increased , B: but I think B: I don't know , B: d B: what do you think ? B: Do you think that's takes into account um overheads like us being well paid kind of a thing ? And the heating for the building , do you think our budget includes everything , all the costs that are going out ? other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: SWBD -> B.28: Uh-huh, / -> B.28: that's right, / -> B.28: they pull the strings. / --> A.29: {E I mean, } {F w-, } {F well, } they are the people whose strings are pulled and by I guess powerful intere-, -/ content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Mm-hmm . A: Mm-hmm . D: And uh D: it has to be nice looking , C: Yeah . -> D: colourful , maybe A: Colourful , yeah mm . --> B: Colourful ? That's not practical . D: colourful , because uh nobody has colourful remote control C: Yeah . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: and it's not uh very specialised uh technology . C: I haven't come to here , but um I've got uh some uh images of uh remote controls . C: They were not uh very uh trendy or just uh just a remote control like everyone knows . -> C: So I don't know uh why I should put it here . C: Uh --> A: Okay . But it's the technical side of the remote control . B: C: Yes , implicature,convers-imp,I guess A is implicating that C should know SOURCE: ICSI me013: he has the histogram mechanism . me013: he has the stuff that subtracts out == me013: and all he has to do is change it uh uh from - from log to plain energy and plot the histogram and look at it . -> me013: and then he should go on and do the other stuff bec- == fe016: yeah . me013: but - but this will == --> fe016: yeah | no i didn't mean that - that - for you to do that . fe016: but i was thinking if - if don and i are trying to get categories . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: So that would require a um transmitter maybe attached to the T_V_ , B: just so that it says find me , -> B: and what , a basically a small microphone um on the actual unit , B: can maybe hide it in the base . D: Light bulb as well , A: Oh . So so D: no ? B: Sorry ? --> A: a small speaker you mean . C: Speaker B: Some speaker , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: It should be fine . C: Twenty five Euros . -> A: It's maybe a little bit expensive . D: It's cheap , yeah . D: No , I --> C: No , it's not so expensive . D: I'm not so happy about the fruit shape , you know . B: Wh really ? content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Okay . Yeah -> B: I I was think about a red uh red LEDs and blue LEDs and A: 'Cause you have to print on them you have a background --> D: No that's that's too busy I guess . B: Yeah . A: Each number is transparent . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI C: So there are flats , there are single curve and there are double curves . B: Okay . C: These are the three things , C: and there are different materials , C: with plastic you can have double curve but with uh certain other materials we cannot have double curve . C: So there there was uh there were many other materials like wood , titanium and all those things , -> C: but plastic is I think is the most appropriate one , A: Yeah . C: it'll bring the cost down C: and anyway it's --> B: Although , you know , wood could be uh quite a stylish uh option , B: if you take like , nice quality kind of wood that's got a nice grain and you kind of put some , some varnish on . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , A: we are using it , D: W A: but it's not D: Yeah . B: So A: it's not poorly used , but it's not efficiently used , I think . A: We could have ev even lost the selection button and uh done everything via L_C_D_ selection . D: Yeah . A: It's -> A: now it's just extra to illustrate im uh extra features , D: Yeah , D: I A: but okay . D: A three . --> C: Nah , it's not really only an extra . B: You can seven . D: Ah , nothing , that's A seven . Uh that's uh C: No menus . C: Think about content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Uh just one note to the chan channel changing . B: Do we B: will we use only two buttons , or or like numbered buttons ? B: I mean those nine plus one or two ? A: Yeah . C: Mm-hmm . A: I think it would be a b -> B: Because it's many buttons and we were speaking about lowering the number . C: Mm . A: Yeah . D: Yeah , D: I --> A: On the other side we have more and more channels , and if you want to pass through all the channels to get the channel you want , it's C: Yeah . B: Okay implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.30: Word processing. / --> A.31: {D Well, } more, {F uh, } - / A.31: do you know Latek? other,other,insufficient context SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , you think the lights are innovative ? -> D: Well , it's n true . Uh , I agree , D: m but --> C: But still you can retrieve it when it's when it's gone , with the with B: Innovative in generally or just f original for D: I'll other,other,makes no sense to me SOURCE: AMI A: Street pizza . A: It's so brilliant . -> A: I've seen more urine in this city than ever before , D: Oh my God . C: I just came from Glasgow A: I mean D: Seriously ? C: and I'm um happy to say that there's the there's the same quantity approximately . B: There's more vomit there . C: Um . --> A: It's so minging . C: I w D: It really is other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , it's funny for a week . -> D: I guess something like that , where you have to move it around very frequently , is demotivating . --> A: Yeah , but you don't have to . A: Trust me . A: The idea of this technology is that you don't think about it , it just happens . precondition,contradiction,I'm counting NAI content as precondition SOURCE: AMI D: So , no loose A: Maybe we could um C: Mm . D: That's why I was thinking , Bluetooth , D: 'cause if you like put up Bluetooth , and it's like a Bluetooth remote control , everybody's gonna like , oh , D: 'cause Bluetooth is the in thing nowadays , like it really is , D: like people D: and um when it comes to marketing like that's what people go for , -> D: they don't really care whether , you know , at the end of the day whether it works properly or not . --> A: Of course , they do . D: Well , they do , but it's like it's not A: One hundred per cent , that's your first thing , you go , oh I'm not gonna buy that , 'cause I dunno if it works or not . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.16: {C And, } {F uh, } we were there a few months ago, / -> B.16: {C and } [ it, + {E I mean, } it's ] kind of pricey, / -> B.16: {D well, } from New York it probably doesn't matter, / -> B.16: {C but } . -/ --> A.17: {F Oh, } no, / A.17: I'm in upstate New York, / A.17: {C and } it's actually very inexpensive, / A.17: I, - / A.17: [ there's a -- + content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.44: They turn them loose. / --> A.45: {D Well, } no, / A.45: {E I mean, } they're not allowed to accept any new inmates. / content,contradiction SOURCE: SWBD -> B.112: -- I did ] make the dress on one, / -> B.112: {C and } I kind of made the pattern up. / -> B.112: [ It's not, + it's probably not ] the best / -> B.112: {C but } , -/ --> A.113: No, / A.113: [ I, + I ] bought a bunny pattern one time, / A.113: {C but } when I sewed it up, the face of it looked like a mouse. / other,other,not a rejection SOURCE: AMI B: Super super . A: I had some problem with the pen I think , -> D: Minus your PowerPoint fiasco . A: but minus your p --> B: Well that's not my fault . B: That's obviously the people I work for uh that work for me , implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yes . A: For you ? -> C: Although we are demolishing a little bit the style . D: But uh the and B: I think the colour is more important than the really the curve , C: But A: Yeah . B: because if you just end up with an entirely black remote control A: D: Yeah . --> A: I think it's it it does ruin it , D: The people A: but the fact that I t took that decision or t C: Yeah . A: Took this example actually , not really decision , A: but the example is because we do offer the um the possibility of adding your own custom covers . A: So you can change any colour you want . A: So A: it's just you deliver a basic remote control with a possibility to change you into whatever you want . content,convers-imp,interesting SOURCE: AMI D: not . A: No , isn't . -> C: No . --> A: But the L_C_D_ is easy when you use the scroll uh buttons . A: Then you can scroll , you see what number , and then you push . other,other,not enough context SOURCE: AMI D: kinetic battery is a big one , D: so . -> B: How many people would notice that , though ? D: Mm . D: But it --> A: But they'll notice it after like a year , D: but we know it's there . A: they'll be like hey , I have never changed the battery . implicature,convers-imp,interesting SOURCE: AMI A: you know that , huh ? C: -> B: No , not everything . D: Oh . --> C: Yeah , everything . B: Pen , select select pen . D: Pen . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Depen C: it is just so annoying how -> A: It would have to sor store up the energy D: Mm . Yeah . B: Yeah , I guess . A: and then use it . A: Solar can do that . --> B: We may be talking quite heavy then . D: Yeah . A: M yeah , that would be too heavy content,convers-imp, SOURCE: SWBD -> A.35: Instead of call waiting or call anything else. / --> B.36: No, / B.36: no. / content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay , so A: we have a few -> B: We could put our logo there . --> A: Nah , A: I think it it would be nice to put the logo here , for example , if you have some buttons here . A: We could put a logo here A: because it's very always in your field of vision . If you're watching it , the L_C_D_ screen , blah blah . content,contradiction, SOURCE: SWBD -> B.104: It would be great, {E I mean, } {F uh, } the glasses that, - / -> B.104: the exams themselves are not expensive, it's the glasses. / --> A.105: It depends on who [ (( ha-, )) + ] examines your eyes. / content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , but we uh A: you mean the rubber stuff ? -> D: Yeah , and the light . A: Yeah , but we have t we have to talk about the lights uh . B: And the light maybe . --> C: But that that's not innovative . B: But A: And I don't u also it's also really not innovative , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: Well , uh I think it's nice , for one thing . -> A: maybe put something on top of it or , you know , like that's looks funny . B: No . No . D: A: I don't know . A: Or some bump . --> D: I think I think that'll be too big tha too big then . A: Maybe some A: Yeah ? content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , but it should be li like this big , and I don't think A: Yeah , but it's so -> C: No , no , only the T_V_ channel with the with uh with uh four programmes . A: I don't think we should do it . C: You can uh zap through them with the page up page down button . --> D: Yes sure , but it it has to to show an entire title of a programme or at least a q a quite quite large part of it and then you get a very large L_C_D_ screen , because C: Yes , it can C: On your implicature,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: But A: yeah . -> A: If we're getting into universal remote territory , we're getting to L_C_D_ screens and things like that D: that's A: which would drive the cost up a lot . --> B: I don't know . I don't know whether that's necessary . D: Ye B: Is the L_C_D_ screen content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: I'll say five . C: Mm-hmm . -> A: Six . --> C: Seven . A: Plus six , B: Yeah . content,contradiction, SOURCE: ICSI fe008: uh - | not last i tried . fe008: but um - | maybe he's changed it again . -> me011: we should get him to do that . me011: because uh - i think that would be much much faster than going to the menu . --> fe008: i disagree . fe008: there's a reason i disagree and that is that uh - you - it's very good to have a dissociation between the visual and the audio . fe008: there're times when i wanna hear the mixed signal . fe008: bu- - but i want to transcribe on the single channel . fe008: so | right now == content,convent-imp, SOURCE: ICSI fe041: but == me013: yeah . -> me011: well in answer to is it landay's problem . me011: um he doesn't have a student who's interested right now in doing anything . me011: so he has very little manpower . me011: um there's very little allocated for him . me011: and also he's pretty focused on user interface . me011: so i don't think he wants to do information retrieval . me011: that sort of stuff . --> me013: yeah | well there's gonna be these student projects that can do some things . me013: but it can't be yeah very deep . me013: u- - i - i actually think that - that uh again just as a bootstrap if we do have something like summaries then having the people who are involved in the meetings themselves who are cooperative and willing to do yet more come up with - with - with queries uh could at least give - give landay an idea of the kind of things that people might want to know . me013: i mean ye- == me013: right ? me013: if he doesn't know anything about the area and - the people are talking about and - and uh == implicature,convers-imp,the implicature is that a student could do it which is rejected by the implicature that it may be too much for a student SOURCE: AMI C: It's it's very easy , because you kn you know how many channel are there in the D: So you you count one degree , two degrees , no . -> C: Yeah , yeah , yeah . You can do it . --> D: I don't think so . B: Yeah , it's a bit difficult . C: I think so I think so you can do it . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI A: We don no . A: It it's more like integrated scor . -> B: I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually . --> C: No no . D: Yeah tha that's wheel . B: Y you tu you turn you turn it , so content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: We don no . A: It it's more like integrated scor . -> B: I think that this will be like a scroll wheel , actually . C: No no . D: Yeah tha that's wheel . B: Y you tu you turn you turn it , so --> C: No no no , it C: Okay . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Well -> A: we won't be able to tell . --> B: Yes , B: it it has a mm . other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: I I I A: but B: When we want to include I I B: I'm doubting about this this component . -> B: It it it it breaks A: Mm . B: in your C: 'Kay C: maybe --> D: No A: Mm . D: actually this is this is not going to protrude actually , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay , um A: that's that . A: Um this is gonna sound weird , A: but the next meeting starts in thirty minutes . A: Whew . B: A: And they actually want a look and feel design , user interface design , -> A: you can look and see this as well as I can . A: Marketing they want product evaluation . --> C: No , C: it's still it's still plugged in on mine actually . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: That's right . A: I would buy it if I was six . A: No I don't know . A: What it costs under twelve and a half Euros ? A: No ? -> A: Uh , yes they are . C: --> B: No . A: No . A: But we can go on with the project evaluation . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: D: Does the design fit the group of focus ? -> C: I think that's a three . B: Mm , th yeah . D: Yeah . --> A: No A: I think with our new radio button , I think it's uh I think it's better . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Oh , B: not too quick . -> A: Just hold it more more to the back A: then you don't have --> B: No B: I have it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Okay , fashionable ? A: Um one . -> B: At the moment , no . --> D: No . A: No . D: I mean like no , I think it's very fashionable . other,other, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah . D: That is a piece of work . -> A: Fashionable chic people will . C: You're kidding . D: Wow . --> C: No , no . D: Marketing Director says yeah . D: Fashionable people will buy it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Oh my god . C: Maybe strawberry . -> D: Okay , we just lost one strawberry . --> B: No . D: So C: Oh . B: No . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: That's it . C: Yeah mm . -> D: It's much longer than that that being two two five , no ? --> B: No . D: Don't you think so ? D: May not okay , we can go . That's uh You're right . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Okay . -> C: Yeah , buttons and strawberries . --> B: No , B: buttons just normal . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , D: Anyway -> A: but uh is uh English . So --> D: No , D: they may have some their origins , strange origins content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: guess . A: Well I should make it an hippo now . -> C: I think it's a mouse or a rat . B: D: Yeah . B: --> A: No I don't think so . D: C: Oh . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI A: What are you going to do ? A: -> B: We want to erase it . --> A: No no . D: A: No no A: save it and start a new uh A: save it content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah . D: Yeah . -> A: And we won't include a a pen , or something to point , --> D: No . A: hey , A: we we want to do it with our fingers , other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: Or how does everybody feel ? A: Well how does everybody feel ? -> D: I mean I I well we g we're talking about the other end now . A: I I think D: I like it . D: I like the idea , --> B: No , B: but I that's the thing I I don't think it's necessarily the other end . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: A human , yay . -> D: It's a very complex animal A: C: --> B: No . D: and um yeah . D: Characteristics of this this animal is dangerous . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah . A: No , that's a good idea . -> C: Yeah , it's always black or yeah . D: , they're always black , yeah , A: Mm mm-mm . --> B: No . D: but this one could be I dunno , purple or b B: But how gonna content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah . D: So there's a problem in the design of that kind of remote control somehow , -> A: Mm . So , some kind of idea uh with um um cellular phone with a a screen that will tell you what D: I dunno . --> B: No , B: no screens , it's too complex . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Well , uh I think it's nice , for one thing . -> A: maybe put something on top of it or , you know , like that's looks funny . --> B: No . No . D: A: I don't know . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: I mean maybe it's too much C: Yeah . -> A: make this --> C: No uh like A: . C: I would draw it like this . C: Let's say this is the side view . C: That you have a a screen that will come up here , and can go down that way . C: If you know what I mean . content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI D: That should be pretty nice colour . -> D: But maybe the buttons , all buttons in red is maybe a bad contrast for colourblind people . A: Yeah yeah . --> C: No D: Because the of the green . C: that's actu content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: okay . A: Okay , A: welcome back . A: I hope uh you have a fresh head and a fresh time . A: How t now the meeting A: actually we gathering here to discuss about the functional design meeting . A: Okay , A: and uh we'll issue some information from uh all of you . A: And it's in the , I think uh , in the sharing folder . A: And uh I will invite uh the Christine and the Ed and uh Agnes to discuss about on the various subjects . A: So A: can you go to the next slide ? A: Yeah uh A: the agenda of the meeting is opening . A: Then uh I'm going to talk about uh the project management , A: what I'm going to do , A: and uh , of course , I'm doing the project management and secretary both , A: okay , A: to take the minutes of the meeting . A: And there are three presentations . A: One is uh new project requirements . A: And the second one about uh decision on remote control functions . A: And uh finally we are closing . A: Uh and the meeting time will be uh forty minutes , A: so you have to be very quick . A: And I have come up with the A: management come with the new proposal , A: okay , A: and I have to discuss a few points on this . A: Uh both says new insights in the aim of your project . A: Uh the one is uh the teletext becomes uh outmoded , okay because if uh because of the computer systems and the new technology . A: So A: we don't need to consider really about the teletext all in our new project design . A: And the second one is about uh the remote control . A: Should be used only for the T_V_ . A: That's what our uh management says . A: And the third point , it's very very important to establish our uh marketing or uh corporate image , okay , with this new project or new product . A: Okay . A: So A: I will invite uh -> A: Agnes , can you go to the third slide ? --> C: No , C: this is the third slide . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: so we're going to work with that ? A: That is true . -> C: I don't think so . --> A: No , that's true . C: No , I don't think so . C: Because the television needs to respond to the signal , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: That is true . C: I don't think so . -> A: No , that's true . --> C: No , I don't think so . C: Because the television needs to respond to the signal , content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , -> A: but then you're gonna have a lot of wasted buttons . A: For example you have a Sony T_V_ and the half of the buttons won't function if you have a for a Sony that won't for a Philips T_V_ . C: Hmm . --> B: No , B: but basic functions D: Yeah . B: but functions which are not frequently used . B: Because if we use a universal remote control , we're going to have to have most buttons on it , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: but I think it I think it should be you c A: you could put it somewhere here . -> D: Or or with the volume selection . --> A: No , A: because it A: Yeah , implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , A: it's maybe a bigger lesser than thing . A: So anyway , -> A: I think this is should be the channels A: and or sh D: Wha B: Well , B: I'm accustomed to the channels being on top . --> D: No . D: Yeah . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI -> A: Okay . Uh first of all I'll start with the costs , D: . B: A: because that's going to influence our design . --> B: Oh no . D: Oh , . A: If you other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: With the other , we can do the the channel , the volume , et cetera . D: Yeah . . -> A: That would save zero point two Euros compared to A: No . --> B: No it's three Euros . B: No ? Um content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: I would g D: uh turn around . Yeah . But um -> C: I would go for four . D: Yeah ? --> A: No C: Because we kind of tried to but we kind of failed with the budget that we have . D: It's not content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Sixteen . D: Sixteen , yeah . -> C: Seventeen . A: Seventeen . --> D: No sixteen . D: Uh sixteen plus six . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Oh no . C: Is that that ? -> D: Yeah . A: --> B: No no . B: Yeah . other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . B: And then a second . -> D: No , that's dependent on the television . --> A: No , I don't think so . C: Yes , you have televisions , then you have to , you know , you have to uh press D: I do know so . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , well but su If C: some televisions don't accept uh that that -> A: Yeah , because that's i it's for television . It's exact the same thing . --> C: No , no , C: but s content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: No , no , C: but s -> D: No no no . So some television respond differently . D: Look , if uh i i --> A: No , A: listen listen . A: When you push the button , the remote control gives a signal . A: I in th in the first place it gives a signal which it would also send when you put a separate button on it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: True . D: No -> A: I think it works that way , really . --> D: No , D: it it it works uh if you haven't got uh a special button for it , uh if you push a one , then on your television there will appear a one and a a line , which is an empty space . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: But you give the input . A: You push the one . -> A: That's the same thing as the button with the one and it --> D: No , that's not true . D: It's simply not true . It's simply not true . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: You push the one . A: That's the same thing as the button with the one and it -> D: No , that's not true . D: It's simply not true . It's simply not true . --> A: yes it it is . A: Think about it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: But okay , we we'll impl D: No , definitely not . Definitely not . -> B: We'll discuss them in the usability lab . --> A: No , D: A: we'll apply them then for now . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Well , I g C: Lights lights are A: it's more D: It's not -> D: seven ? --> A: No , six . B: Well , six . A: Or seven maybe , yeah . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: No , six . B: Well , six . -> A: Or seven maybe , yeah . --> B: No , six . C: Six . A: Or six . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , I think two , yeah . I agree . Two . D: Antek ? -> C: Yes , two , but only in c when you compare it with with elderly . A: Uh , that is not the question . It's just w it will be bought by people under forty . --> D: No , that's no comparison . A: Yeah , you can A: yeah , you can be very picky about it . precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: That's huge . B: No . -> B: We have the simplest buttons . D: No . --> C: No , C: it's only uh when you use push-buttons , it will cost that much . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: No , -> C: it's only uh when you use push-buttons , it will cost that much . A: Yeah . --> D: I don't think so , because it says amount . C: If you use a scroll-wheel A: Ah . A: Yeah , it wouldn't D: The the the yellow row is the amount of content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: It's way C: When you have the same amount of button , you have to put in wi in your carton . Board . -> A: And and less buttons than this isn't possible . D: Yeah , yeah , C: And then throw it A: This is the most simple C: --> B: No , no no . A: yeah , it is possible , A: but I've never seen one before . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: But we can uh sell the remote control and uh sell the docking station B: -> A: Separately . --> B: Se no no no . C: yes . C: And and content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Yeah , then -> A: because then we'd thirty cents left . --> D: No , D: for for the uh for the docking station if you do if you choose the simple chip . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Can't we uh A: Uh maybe it with the kinetic thing , I think we could do uh do a compromise uh with the kim kinetic thing . -> D: Can't we say fifteen Euros ? --> A: Uh , no . D: No , sta yeah I mean B: implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: No , sta yeah I mean B: -> C: No , then we have to sell it for thirty Euros . --> D: No . B: No , we only make less profit of it . C: It's the content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Maybe we can uh can do it both . -> C: Maybe we can do it both uh in the in the in the remote . Battery and kinetic . --> D: No . A: No , that wouldn't n no . D: Thirteen twenty . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: then you have to shake it uh and all when it's when it's empty . A: Yeah , it's great . -> D: You you gotta throw uh throw it through the room like twenty times an hour , really . C: --> A: No no no . B: A: No no , this is very sophisticated technology technology . C: A: When you use it your remote like once a day , or maybe even less i i it content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay , project e uh C: Is this it ? -> A: well , we were gonna what look take a look at the last sheet . D: Yeah , sure . C: Okay . --> D: No , we can't . B: A: Yeah , we have to Yeah , it's precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Um I've had kinetic things before , B: I mean what does anybody think about that ? -> D: and the the the one issue we need to keep in mind with them is that you're committing the user to moving it , D: and watches yeah --> A: No , A: like I said we have a h hybrid kind of thing , so it's not gonna charge the battery , it's just content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: six , let's go for six . A: Without L_C_D_ . -> B: Both . --> D: No D: actually uh to make it with L_C_D_ you make more efforts . D: So I there is high innovativeness included if you make it with L_C_D_ y content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: I think it inc increase . A: C: Well you can if you had uh something li -> A: I think it i increases . --> C: Oh no , C: because if you if you add uh something A: C: well yeah maybe C: because it's three different pieces uh to to to build but content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Oh well we also have to determine in some manner how to switch between modes , between going through your favourites list and just hitting up one , up two . A: Making it last . -> D: Or we go directional up we go we go this we go this we go this way for one , we go this way for the other . A: So if there's a button for each type . --> B: No B: because you wanna be able to go up and down through the channels . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: I can't do anything . C: And I just touch the pad . -> B: You just touch the pad , yeah . --> D: No . C: It's actually shut down . B: No ? content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: What's the name of it ? C: It was about the working of the remote control . -> A: It's the technical function or the functional requirements . --> C: Nope . A: C: Not a of C: Wait . C: The working design . C: But I've saved it . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Well I I I don't know . -> A: Well If you think that more people can whistle than clap then that's fine , then go for that option , C: A: but if A: I would have thought that more people could clap rather than whistle , --> D: No , D: clapping , I think clapping , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Um C: We want to have a C: no , I don't know if this is a good idea . -> C: We want to have a a general remote control for everything . --> A: No no no . A: We w it seems that we no want to have a T_V_ remote control . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Mm -> B: I it's not true I think . B: The the second claim that you put . --> C: No no . A: That it would be too long to develop . B: Yeah . other,other,unclear SOURCE: AMI A: Mm-hmm . C: so that we just use simple recog -> B: Too complex . D: A: --> C: no D: But uh very very good to sell . C: but but content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: The only thing I can draw is like this . B: Oh . Oh . Oh . -> D: A duck . --> B: No . A: You love the eyes . C: What are you I don content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Well you you C: But you can men you can press menu again to get out . -> A: Well that's also the Okay button . A: That's you you should have uh --> B: No no , C: No . B: we we we should uh add uh a extra Menu button content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Well you you C: But you can men you can press menu again to get out . -> A: Well that's also the Okay button . A: That's you you should have uh B: No no , --> C: No . B: we we we should uh add uh a extra Menu button B: and this the Okay button . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: A: Come on . -> C: That's a bit too much , but C: No , no no no , --> A: No that's nothing . C: but I think uh this looks uh pretty nice actually . A: The Phillips remote uh costs more . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: It's a very bloody cat . -> B: It's a frog . --> C: No , C: it's a turtle . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Uh ? A: You watched it a lot ? -> B: It's uh inside its shell . You'll be uh finished sooner . --> D: No , D: it's uh other,other, SOURCE: AMI D: No , D: it's uh -> A: It's a scared turtle . --> D: No no . D: It's coming up . D: Mm . D: Uh . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . C: Uh , we have one . We have one -> A: Yeah uh , but it it's one one thing , it's three Euro . D: Okay , one piece , yeah . C: . C: No , sev zero . A: Uh , what's the sample sensor ? --> D: No . C: Well , that's um D: Speech recognition , I think . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: It's like the like you said , no ? -> C: The scroll scroll wheel . B: Yeah , you can't --> D: No no , D: the scroll button is a different thing . D: I I have a picture if you just a moment , D: I'll I'll show you . D: I wasn't completely sure myself , D: but I think it's just like um it's it's a wheel , it's like not separate buttons . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: So uh in in the buttons we have for the channels also we have options . A: Do you do we enumerate everything from zero to nine ? -> A: Or do we have just uh channel plus , channel minus , just to just to scroll ? --> D: No , no , D: I mean mm we we definitely need the the numbers , D: because it's uh otherwise people don't want to flip through all the channels . Um content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Okay B: well we have point three to get rid of somewhere . -> A: We just report that it has to be over budget , B: Mm . C: A: or the colours , you could take away s colours for th for the buttons . --> B: No can do . C: Yeah C: we could just go with um content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , yeah . C: Uh -> B: I'm doing the interface . A: You are doing th --> C: No , C: I'm doing the interface . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Yeah , yeah . B: Yeah , that's one way of uh making it useful . -> A: I I think if we include a lot of technology on the remote control it will be very costly . --> B: No , B: because B: no , B: it's not very a lot . A: S B: Th this information exists . B: For example you can get um content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI C: Well -> C: I think if we are gonna use a touchscreen uh we're gonna go way above the twelve and a half Euros . A: --> B: N I I don't think so . A: Yeah . B: Uh you got uh quite a cheap uh touchscreen . S um it's uh not uh in colour or something . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah . A: Okay . Um -> D: But obviously the board tends to disagree . --> A: No A: we we haven't voted yet , A: so B: A: Uh I think teletext can be uh A: um can be a function as well . But only if uh if it won't higher the the cost , A: because I don't know if it will be a lot more money to implement teletext as well , A: but I don't think it will be a problem . A: Or is teletext a precondition,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Yeah , B: I think -> C: So so if we use that , they will probably have a long learning uh time . A: I dunno . --> B: No , A: I A: You already have the volume on the side , content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah , D: we have to care that it r uh looks really new . -> D: Because uh we still hold on to the uh ordinary uh uh square uh remote control . A: Yeah . D: 'Cause wha what I see the only difference i i i in fact is that we use a scroll-wheel on the outside . A: And the LED . --> B: No , B: you have uh It is content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: And um uh B: and uh D: uh buy the product . You buy , you get one . And uh basic . -> D: Or you can choose one uh if you buy the project . B: Yeah . Um B: I think B: Yeah . --> C: No , B: That's your choice , I think huh . C: tha that will be implicature,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: So , we need the average here , B: so we got -> D: The average is about six and something . C: Yeah , one . D: A little bit over six . B: Seven C: Or a seven . A: There are how many sixes ? --> D: No , wait , B: So we've got four sevens , A: One , two , three . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: So we've got four sevens , A: One , two , three . -> D: a little bit under six . B: so that's twenty eight , --> D: No , wait . A: Three . B: three sixes , content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI B: Twelve point five . C: whether whether pushbutton means that p count by button or do we -> D: We have to count all of them , D: or yeah . --> A: Mm I don't think so , no . C: I don't think that makes sense . B: No . content,disbelief, SOURCE: AMI D: Yeah . -> D: And maybe we should use this also as an okay button , still . And then just only a back button . A: Well we have those buttons . We use all four . --> B: No C: The pr the problem with the okay button in the middle is , C: sorry content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI B: Bluetooth would , for example , enable you , I think , to um um connect for example you if you get a w call on your mobile phone , but your mobile phone is downstairs or something , you would get on your television you're being called by this person right now . B: Things like that . -> A: No , that would be your telephone in with your television . C: Yeah , the that wouldn't be the remote so much , --> B: No i A: Yeah , C: I mean B: No , but if you get Bluetooth on the remote , you'd be able to content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI D: Okay . -> D: Yes , I'll think of that too . --> A: No . C: 'Kay . Three is okay . A: Oh . other,other, SOURCE: AMI B: I'll go . B: I drew a kitty . -> B: It's pretty much impossible to tell that's a cat , B: but I love cats . --> D: No I I see it . C: No , I kne I knew . A: No , it looks like a cat . content,contradiction, SOURCE: AMI A: Okay . A: And I'm last . -> A: 'Kay . Look at my sad sad giraffe . --> D: No , that's good . A: No , no , no , A: it ends up looking like some kind of a dinosaur , content,convers-imp, SOURCE: AMI A: And I'm last . A: 'Kay . Look at my sad sad giraffe . -> D: No , that's good . --> A: No , no , no , A: it ends up looking like some kind of a dinosaur , A: but whatever . A: I don't know even much about giraffes , but I just love the way they look . A: They're just such odd creatures , you know . A: I I like that they're so unique and individual , I guess . A: I don't know much about their behaviour or anything , though . A: Only seen a couple in zoos . content,contradiction,