Posted on 2024-11-14 - 19:52 authored by J. Waagen
This dataset includes all raw recordings (multispectral, visible light, and thermal) made in 2023 over the archaeological excavations at Veldhoven (near Eindhoven, The Netherlands). The excavations are executed by the Amsterdam Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (ACASA). The recordings are part of a collaboration between ACASA and the 4D Research Lab of the University of Amsterdam, for the purpose of doing experimental research into the potential of drone remote sensing to support the process of archaeological excavation and interpretation. The data has been collected using a Zenmuse P1 optical camera, a Zenmuse XT2 thermal camera, and a Micasense RedEdge multispectral camera. The dataset is documented using a metadata sheets.
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Waagen, J. (2024). Veldhoven Excavations 2023, UAS Remote Sensing dataset. University of Amsterdam / Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Collection.