-The dataset was captured using the Chipwhisperer CW308, with the target device being STM32F3 with an ARM Cortex-M4
-The target device performed an AES-128 encryption while we measured the leakage traces
-The experiment lasted for approximately 6.5 days
-The data is organized in parts of 100k traces each. Each 100k-sized part was captured in approx. 38 minutes. Each trace has 5k time samples (features). The original experiment has a total of 254 parts of 100k traces each.
-Every 100k-trace data part is called tracesi.mat and comes together with labeli.mat, for indexes i = 1, 2, ..., 254
-The labeli.mat is the value of a single sboxoutput of AES-128 i.e. the label ranges in the set {0,1,...,255}. We assume that successfully recovering the sboxoutput implies successfully recovering the respective key byte of AES-128.
We also have a reduced version of the dataset available here: