Wii Balance Board - Kistler Platform data
Wii Balance Board & Kistler Force Platform data.
This item contains the force plate data of the Wii Balance Board (WBB) and Kistler Force Platform (KP) data of participants measured in this study. Below, a short explanation of the data will follow.
All data was collected using the Wii Balance Board Recorder software, described at GitHub, here: https://github.com/tomvredeveld/wii-balance-board-recorder
Description of the data.
The data is provided in a ZIP folder. This folder contains folders named PIN 001 to PIN 030. Every folder contains two folders:
- ‘Wii Balance Board data’ with a ‘WBB-C’ folder.
- ‘Kistler data’.
Wii Balance Board data folders
These folders contain a folder ‘WBB-C’, which contains per subject
- 8 files, named: pX_sY_wC_1.txt, where X is a participant number, sequentially ordered from 1 to 30 and Y is a series number of the measurement being either 1 or 2. The last number before .txt describes the balance task performed (1 to 4). These are:
- Bipedal measurement 1 (30 s eyes open)
- Bipedal measurement 2 (10 s eyes open, followed by 30 s eyes closed)
- Bipedal measurement 3 (10 s eyes open, followed by 30 s eyes closed)
- Unipedal measurement of 1 to a maximum of 12 succesful 20 s standing still on 1 leg.
Kistler data folder contains:
Two AFP files, which are named: pX_sY_kp.afp, where X is a participant number, Y is a measurement serie (being either 1 or 2). The Kistler force plate measured continuously compared to the Wii Balance Board and so a single afp file contains the four measurements described above, from within signal processing software, one can deduce these four measurements and cut these into relevant segments for further analysis.
Structure of the .txt and .afp force plate files.
Wii Balance Board: TXT files.
A Wii Balance Board txt file, tab delimited with headers on row 1, contains a time-series file with 12 columns, containing:
- Time - Time series, in milliseconds
- CpX - Center of Pressure in the X, or medio-lateral direction. Registration in centimeters.
- CpY - Center of Pressure in the Y, or antero-posterior direction. Registration in centimeters.
- BottomLeft - BottomLeft (BL) sensor value calibrated value after initial calibration, units in N.
- BottomRight - BottomRight (BR) sensor value calibrated value after initial calibration, units in N.
- TopLeft - TopLeft (TL) sensor value calibrated value after initial calibration, units in N.
- TopRight - TopRight (TR) sensor value calibrated value after initial calibration, units in N.
- Weight - Total weight in kilogram (kg) recorded on the Wii Balance Board. Values should approximately match the sum of BL, BR, TP, and TR values converted from N to kg.a
- RAWBottomLeft - Raw sensor data of the BL sensor
- RAWBottomRight - Raw sensor data of the BL sensor
- RAWTopLeft - Raw sensor data of the TL sensor
- RAWTopRight - Raw sensor data of the TR sensor
!!! Please note, for anonymization of the data, the BR, TL, TR sensor data were set to match the values of the BL sensor, and thus all four sensor data are equal. Therefore these values are not valid for analysis! Please use the CpX and CpY data for analysis of the center of pressure. The ‘Weight’ column was set to 0 for all subjects.
Kistler plate: AFP files.
The Kistler plate columns are:
- Column 5 - Used to calculate values for bottom left sensor.
- Column 6 - Used to calculate values for top left sensor.
- Column 7 - Used to calculate values for top right sensor.
- Column 8 - Used to calculate values for bottom right sensor.
For the other Kistler data, please refer to the Kistler documentation.
Contact details.
For any inquiries regarding the data uploaded here, please contact one of the owners: T. Vredeveld, M. Coppieters, A. Pool-Goudzwaard or S. Ramaekers. Their contact details are provided in the description of this FigShare item. If the owners of the data no longer work at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences or Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, please contact the Research Support: rdm-support@uva.nl
Retention period
2034-01-01Priority area
- Urban Vitality