Hand grip strength dataset of the SALVO study
The SALVO study assessed the efficacy of a co-designed, school-based intervention meant to promote physical activity and fitness among Dutch prevocational secondary students. In a two-year clustered randomized controlled trial, students’ physical activity and fitness was measured by indirect and direct methods. In the intervention group, we used the triple-I procedure, a participatory action research method, to co-design the intervention together with the students and schools. Please find enclosed a part of the SALVO data file including the hand grip strength scores of 12-to-16-years-old prevocational students. The file is structured longitudinally. Among the variables you'll find covariates used, including gender, ethnicity and baseline handgrip scores. For sensitivity analyses the variable 'participationlevel' is included. The syntax that was used to perform the analyses is attached as a Syntaxgripstrength document. The results of the analyses is published in the following effectivity article: DOI:10.7752/jpes.2023.07222
If you would be interested in other outcome measures of the study, including Eurofittest battery outcome measures and physical activity behaviour, please contact j.h.van.de.kop@hva.nl or opensciencesupport@hva.nl.
This study was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) ref. 2014/02542/BOO
This study was funded by the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMW), ref. 525001009
Retention period
2027-07-01Priority area
- Urban Vitality