Dataset belonging to Valkenburg et al (2021). Adolescents’ social media experiences and their self-esteem: A person-specific susceptibility perspective
Valkenburg, P. M., Pouwels, J. L., Beyens, I., van Driel, I. I., & Keijsers, L. (2021). Adolescents’ social media experiences and their self-esteem: A person-specific susceptibility perspective.
The preregistration of the design, sampling and analysis plan of the study, as well as all syntax files and online supplemental materials are available on the Open Science Framework (OSF) at
For more information, please contact the authors at or
Note that the variable 'educational level' has not been included in the final dataset as we published an anonymized datafile. Please be aware that you will not be able to conduct the exploratory analyses with regard to educational level with the data provided on Figshare. Please contact the corresponding author to obtain the 'educational level' variable.
NWO Spinoza Prize - P.M. Valkenburg - Dutch Research Council (NWO)
NWO Gravitation grant - P.M. Valkenburg (NWO Grant 024.001.003) - Dutch Research Council (NWO)
NWO Vidi grant - L. Keijsers (NWO VIDI Grant 452.17.011) - Dutch Research Council (NWO)