Dataset belonging to Siebers et al. (2024) Adolescents' digital nightlife: The comparative effects of day- and nighttime smartphone use on sleep quality
The four datasets 'phone', 'game', 'social', and 'video' are the processed datasets that are used as input files for the Mplus models (but then in .csv instead of .dat format). The dataset 'phone' contains all data related to the main analyses of daytime, pre-bedtime and post-bedtime smartphone use. The datasets 'game', 'social', and 'video' represent the data related to the exploratory analyses for game app, social media app, and video player app use, respectively.
The dataset 'timeframes' contains information about respondents' bedtime and wake-up time, which is required to calculate the three timeframes (daytime, pre-bedtime, and post-bedtime).
The materials used, including the R and Mplus syntaxes ( and the preregistration of the current study ( can be found on OSF. For more information, please contact the authors via or