Database Pas d'armes and Late Medieval Chivalry
The database contains details of all pas d’armes held between c.1420 and c.1520.. This was a highly ritualised form of tournament that was very popular in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries in Anjou, the Burgundian lands, France, Iberia, and Savoy, even reaching as far as Scotland. The details concern exact dates and locations, names of entrepreneurs and challengers, composition of teams, type of combat, theatrical scenario, ephemeral architecture, guests and spectators, etc.. The database can be searched by Events, i.e. all such tournaments that we have classified as pas d’armes; People, i.e. all persons involved in the pas d’armes as combatants, judges, spectators, guests, etc.; and Locations, i.e. all towns, villages, castles and other places where these events took place.
The Joust as Performance: "Pas d'armes" and Late Medieval Chivalry
Arts and Humanities Research Council
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